March 12, 2025


Holtec International
Holtec Confident on Late 2025 Restart of Palisades Nuclear Plant
No nuclear power plant in the nation has restarted operations after shutting down, and Holtec International is detailing how it expects to accomplish the feat at the mothballed Palisades Nuclear Generating Station in a little more than a year.
TVA Defends Rate Increase for New Gen while Nonprofit Blasts Utility’s ‘Broken Oversight’
The Tennessee Valley Authority is insisting its second rate increase in two years is necessary to build new generation despite the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy condemning the latest hike as clandestine and used to support fossil fuel investments.
Parties Argue for More Changes to Interconnection Rules from FERC
FERC is considering additional changes to its rules on generator interconnections, with a technical conference set for Sept. 10-11 that saw pre-conference comments filed this week.
PJM MRC/MC Briefs: Aug. 21, 2024
Consumers and electric distributors in PJM opposed a proposal to revise two financial parameters used to calculate the cost of new entry input to the 2027/28 Base Residual Auction.
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PJM Stakeholders Endorse Elimination of EE Participation in Capacity Market
The PJM Markets and Reliability Committee voted to eliminate energy efficiency from the capacity construct, adopting a proposal from the Monitor.
ERCOT Board of Directors Briefs: Aug. 19-20, 2024
ERCOT’s rule change to the Nodal Operating Guide that imposes voltage ride-through requirements on inverter-based resources has been partially approved, but much work remains.
SPP Issues EEA 1 as Heat Scorches Midwest
SPP issued a Level 1 energy emergency alert Aug. 26, saying widespread high temperatures in the Great Plains led to tightening reliability conditions in its 14-state balancing area authority.
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MISO Queue Critiques Take Focus at Infocast Midcontinent Conference
Infocast’s inaugural Midcontinent Clean Energy summit provided panelists a pulpit for critiquing MISO’s interconnection queue setup as it strains under the weight of hundreds of gigawatts intended to further fleet shift and meet load growth.
MISO Predicts Painless Fall Despite Missouri Capacity Shortfall
MISO doesn’t believe autumn will prove much trouble for it to tackle, though it faces a capacity shortfall in Missouri.
Analysis Group: No Changes to NYISO CONE Method Needed
The Analysis Group told NYISO stakeholders it did not recommend any major changes to the annual process for updating the ISO’s gross cost of new entry for generators.

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