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FERC approved two enforcement orders requiring several battery storage operators to pay more than $1 million in fines and remit nearly $1.9 million back to CAISO.
The Market Implementation Committee endorsed a PJM proposal to revise how the capacity offered by energy efficiency resources is measured and verified, rejecting competing proposals from EE providers and the Monitor.
SPP directors and regulators have approved the grid operator’s first winter planning reserve margin, endorsing a base PRM that is 3 percentage points higher than many of its utilities wanted.
CAISO CEO Elliot Mainzer, ERCOT CEO Pablo Vegas and MISO's Todd Hillman joined a USEA webinar to discuss grid reliability amid increases in extreme weather and load growth.
Five years ago, load growth from transportation electrification was a major issue for policymakers, according to speakers at a webinar. Now the focus has shifted to data centers.
NYISO presented its draft recommendations for the demand curve reset, including the choice of a two-hour battery electric storage system resource as the proxy unit in calculations.
A new CAISO proposal seeks to address unwarranted BCR payments to storage resources, an issue that has stirred controversy over the last month.
Duke Energy executives highlighted how the return to load growth is impacting its utilities during its second-quarter earnings call with analysts.
A lower court found Duke was just competing for business, but the appeals panel of three judges has open questions on whether market power was abused.
Generation owners say the increase in PJM capacity prices is the signal they need to invest in new development, while consumer advocates say the backlogged interconnection queue could limit the ability for market participants to react.
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