Transmission Operations
Study looks at severe weather scenarios based on historical data going back to 1950, finds manageable risks of supply shortfall.
Parties filing comments with FERC on expanding interregional transfer capability mostly supported the concept, though opinions were split on how to get there.
Warm weather in its service territories led to lower earnings for Duke in Q1, but CEO Lynn Good told investors that the firm should make up for it this summer.
FERC approved the compliance filings of six transmission providers, including those of NYISO and CAISO, with Order 88.
FERC denied Tenaska’s rehearing request over alleged curtailment of its Clear Creek Wind Farm, maintaining the company did not provide sufficient evidence.
A relatively new state agency works to transform utility wildfire safety culture by shifting away from penalties and enforcement to a learning-based approach.
The cost of transmission congestion doubled in organized electricity markets between 2020 and 2021, rising by billions of dollars, according to Grid Strategies.
Offshore wind will produce thousands of megawatts of electric power, way more than the onshore transmission system is currently able to absorb, an expert says.
GETs can reduce the congestion preventing interconnection of renewables more quickly than building more transmission while saving customers money, experts say.
DOE's proposal to update efficiency standards for distribution transformers would make supply shortages of the key grid equipment worse, industry argued.
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