October 8, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Transparency, ROFR Remain Challenges for Order 1000, Speakers Say
FERC Order 1000 is providing savings to ratepayers, but a lack of transparency in RTOs’ competitive solicitations is undermining confidence, speakers told the Energy Bar Association Mid-Year Energy Forum last week.
EBA Speakers Recall Overcoming Racial, Gender Bias; Decry 2016 Election Rhetoric
The EBA opened its conference last week with 4 regulators discussing overcoming bias as women and minorities, and decried 2016 election rhetoric.
Overheard at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop
Here's some of what we heard from New York stakeholders at the NYISO Distributed Energy Resource Workshop last week.
Utility Planners Confront the Complexity of DER
Optimizing distributed energy resources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions cost effectively will require improved forecasting and the elimination of regulatory silos, speakers told Infocast’s California Distributed Energy Summit last week.
NYISO DER Workshop Ponders the Grid of the Future
NYISO held its Distributed Energy Resource workshop last week to open public discussion on how it will respond to New York’s Reforming the Energy Vision initiative.
PJM Symposium: As DER Rises, Focus on Distribution System Needs
The growth of distributed energy resources and behind-the-meter innovation will require upgrades to the distribution network, speakers told PJM at their Grid 20/20 symposium.
California Regulatory Model Fosters — and Hinders — DER Integration
Last week’s Infocast California Distributed Energy Summit was a crash course in the complexity of developing policies on distributed energy resources.
Natural Gas, Offshore Wind, Storage Seek Their Places in NY’s Future
The last panel at the Independent Power Producers of New York fall conference featured an environmental activist and representatives of the energy storage, wind and solar industries.
NY Transco Chief: Tx Buildout ‘A Marathon, not a Sprint’
Speaking at IPPNY’s fall conference, New York Transco President Stuart Nachmias said the state's ambitious transmission development plan will not be implemented quickly.
IPPNY: Demand Curve Reset ‘Top Priority’
Gavin Donohue, IPPNY CEO, opened their fall meeting by declaring that its top priority is to have NYISO reset the installed capacity demand curve.

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