September 30, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Delmarva Power & Light Co.
Counterflow: Vampire Power
Big savings from unplugging vampire power are as much a fantasy as, well, vampires, says columnist Steve Huntoon.
International Energy Agency
Counterflow: 45Q: Money for Nothing
Columnist Steve Huntoon says the 45Q carbon capture tax breaks in Democrats' climate bill are an enormous subsidy that won't help decarbonization.
© RTO Insider LLC
‘Clean Molecules’ Critical to Decarbonization, Panelists Say
Hydrogen will be as important as electrification in achieving a cost-effective clean energy mix, NARUC panelists said.
© RTO Insider LLC
Could the US See a ‘Nuclear Renaissance’?
Pro-nuclear panelists at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit said small, advanced reactors are needed to offset the increase in weather-dependent renewables.
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NARUC Weighs SCOTUS Decision’s Impact on Coal
A NARUC session on carbon emissions from power plants weighed the potential effects of the Supreme Court's decision in West Virginia v. EPA.
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NARUC Panel Explores ‘Future Proofing’ EV Infrastructure
Utility regulators face myriad challenges in dealing with the growth of EV chargers, panelists said at NARUC's Summer Policy Summit in San Diego.
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Westerners Get Tips on Being ‘Little Bitty Cog’ in an RTO World
Western regulators and consumer advocates should be prepared to commit much time and resources to RTO membership, panel members said at NARUC's summer meeting.
Michels Power
Counterflow: Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later
When would consumers like to pay a transmission owner’s return on project costs — before and during construction or when the project is completed?
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Stakeholder Soapbox: Building a Climate-Resilient Grid
Congress must pass pending legislation that would enhance reliability by spurring transmission, renewables, energy efficiency and EVs, the NRDC says.
Counterflow: Say It Ain’t So, Joe
Columnist Steve Huntoon is disillusioned by FERC's retreat from Order 1000's requirements for competition in transmission.

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