October 4, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Stakeholder Soapbox: PJM’s Market Hurting Clean Energy
Miles Farmer and Amanda Levin of the Natural Resources Defense Council respond to Steve Huntoon's criticism of their evaluation of the PJM capacity market.
New England Officials Speak on Grid Transformation
State and regional officials updated the Environmental Business Council of New England on the rapid progress of renewable energy development.
SPP Seeks Slimmer Stakeholder Group Structure
SPP has launched an initiative to trim the number of stakeholder groups in its organizational structure, saying it will improve the RTO’s effectiveness.
Counterflow: Scary Wrong
Columnist Steve Huntoon criticizes a recent NRDC op-ed that denounces PJM for seemingly favoring natural gas-fired plants over renewable resources.
Stakeholder Soapbox: Design for Rapid Decarbonization
Robbie Orvis, director of energy policy design at Energy Innovation, discusses a series of papers about how wholesale electricity markets must evolve.
Overheard at TREIA GridNEXT 2019
Grid safety and security were the focus of the Texas Renewable Energy Industries Alliance’s annual GridNEXT conference in San Antonio.
Overheard at MACRUC 2019: The Carbon-free Future
Regulators from NYISO and PJM descended upon the historic Omni Homestead Resort in Hot Springs, Va., for the 24th annual MACRUC Education Conference.
Building Decarbonization a Costly Priority for NE
Decarbonizing the building sector remains a top priority if Northeast states want to reach their climate targets by 2050, energy experts and regulators say.
Overheard at 2019 IESO Electricity Summit
Facing the same challenges as its U.S. counterparts, Ontario’s IESO is reshaping its markets to handle an influx of renewable and distributed resources.
Counterflow – Fuel Security: PJM Does ‘Seinfeld’
Columnist Steve Huntoon argues that PJM's worst-case scenarios are extremely unlikely, meaning consumers paying for more “fuel security” makes no sense.

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