October 4, 2024

Special Reports & Commentary

Out of the Game, Skelly Still High on Wind Energy
Clean Line Energy Partners has sold off its projects, but former CEO Michael Skelly is optimistic someone will bring the midcontinent's wind energy east.
Overheard at AWEA WINDPOWER 2019
AWEA welcomed nearly 8,000 attendees to its annual exhibition held May 20-23 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston.
‘Grid Transformation Day’ Highlights ISO-NE Challenges
The first-ever ISO-NE Grid Transformation Day talked about the change overtaking the power industry — and the breadth of resources needed to accommodate it.
NEECE Panelists Discuss Public Policy Drivers
New England Energy Conference and Exposition panelists discussed the many state and city policies spurring changes in the regional electricity markets.
Overheard at the EBA 2019 Annual Meeting
The Energy Bar Association annual meeting included discussions on climate change, FERC hearing processes, resources and transmission rates.
LaFleur Recounts Turbulent Tenure at FERC
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur provided a clip show of anecdotes from her tenure, giving attendees of the EBA’s annual meeting an insider’s view.
RTO Board Members Share Views on Oversight Role
Present and former RTO board members at the Energy Bar Association’s annual meeting quickly seized control, asking questions of each other.
Stakeholder Soapbox: PJM Slowing Change to Clean Grid
Jennifer Chen of Duke University's Nicholas Institute, argues that PJM's proposed revisions would increase carbon emissions and costs to consumers.
PJM Advocates: Slow Down on Market Reforms, Except FTRs
Most of PJM’s recent market rule changes went too quickly for advocate groups, though their desire for deceleration stops at financial transmission rights.
Panelists (Mostly) Bullish on New York’s ‘Green New Deal’
New York can reduce carbon emissions at an acceptable cost while the industry addresses reliability issues, speakers said at IPPNY's Spring Conference.

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