October 7, 2024

Base Residual Auction (BRA)

Capacity Prices Jump Following Rule Changes
The 2017/2018 capacity auction cleared at $120/MW-day in most of PJM as restrictions on demand response and imports doubled prices in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and much of Ohio. Prices were essentially flat in the East.
Capacity Prices Double in Western PJM, Flat in East
The 2017/2018 capacity auction cleared at $120/MW-day in most of PJM as restrictions on demand response and imports doubled prices in Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina and much of Ohio. Prices were essentially flat in the East.
PJM Proposes Changes to Capacity Auction Parameters for 2015
PJM proposed changing the demand curve to be used in the 2015 Base Residual Auction, while recommending the RTO continue using a combustion turbine as the model for determining the Cost of New Entry (CONE).
Ready for a Rebound?
PJM yesterday opened the 2017/2018 Capacity Auction amid modest hopes among generators that the RTO’s rule changes will cause a rebound in prices.
FERC Clears Capacity Import Limits
In a win for PJM generation owners, FERC approved a rule change that will reduce capacity imports and likely increase clearing prices.
Arbitrage Fix Returned to Committee
Lacking consensus, PJM dropped plans for a vote on measures to prevent speculation in the capacity auctions, returning the issue to a lower committee.
MRC MC Preview
Our summary of the issues scheduled for votes at the PJM MRC and MC on 11/21/13. Each item is listed by agenda number, description and projected time of discussion, followed by a summary of the issue and links to prior coverage.
MIC Begins Work on Curve-Smoothing, Gen Adders
Stakeholders began work last week on an initiative to create more accurate capacity market price curves and a recommendation by the Market Monitor to eliminate adders for FMUs.
Import Cap Approved; Capacity Prices May Rise
PJM will reduce the volume of imports that clear in next year’s Base Residual Auction – potentially increasing capacity prices – under methodology approved by the Planning Committee yesterday.
Future of MD Plant Unclear After Court Rebuff – Update
Maryland and CPV officials aren’t saying what their next move is in the wake of a federal court ruling that voided the state’s contract with developers of a 725 MW combined cycle plant in St. Charles.

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