capacity accreditation
NYISO initiated steps toward integrating hydrogen into its market, aiming for technology-agnostic rules to foster clean energy innovation.
MISO is determined to file with FERC by the end of March to introduce a probabilistic capacity accreditation that’s controversial among its stakeholders.
ISO-NE presented the NEPOOL Markets Committee with the initial results of the RTO’s Resource Capacity Accreditation.
FERC approved PJM's proposal to rework several areas of its capacity market centered around aligning how resources’ capacity contributions match up to system risk analysis.
MISO said it has landed on a final design in its quest to move to a sweeping capacity accreditation that will better measure generators’ availability based on predetermined risky hours.
Analysis Group presented its final report on converting ISO-NE's Forward Capacity Market to a prompt, seasonal construct.
The ISO's New Capacity Zone study indicates that New York's six highway interfaces have sufficient transmission capacity, making establishment of new capacity zones unnecessary.
MISO juggled several projects over 2023 designed to fend off imminent reliability problems and will keep up the multitasking in 2024.
NYISO’s Business issues Committee approved testing of dynamic reserves, changes to the LCR optimizer, and new capacity accreditation rules.
Potential changes to ISO-NE's capacity market include updates to its resource capacity accreditation (RCA) methodology, along with prompt and seasonal capacity market formats.
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