Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
Two key Republican senators asked FERC to hold formal technical conferences on EPA's Power Plant Rule, noting the regulator did so for Obama's Clean Power Plan.
The EPA launched a $7 billion grant competition to expand residential solar in low-income communities.
ERCOT staff are reviewing the spate of electric-related legislation that was recently passed by Texas lawmakers.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals overturned EPA's hydrofluorocarbon rule after finding the agency exceeded its authority in its enforcement.
The OC endorsed a joint proposal for PJM, transmission owners and market participants to increase information sharing ahead of extended transmission outages.
Transmission planning, energy siting and maximizing federal funding highlighted discussions at NECPUC's 75th annual symposium last week.
Most regions of the North American grid remain at elevated risk of supply shortfalls this summer, NERC said in its 2023 Summer Reliability Assessment.
The EPA administrator said his agency’s proposed CO2 emission standards for power plants target “the most egregious sources” without compromising reliability.
EPA announced proposed rules to reduce CO2 emissions from coal and gas power plants by requiring them to use carbon capture and co-firing of hydrogen.
EPA is poised to issue rules that would require all coal and gas-fired power plants to reduce or capture nearly all of their carbon dioxide emissions by 2040.
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