fast-start pricing
The phenomenon known as the duck curve is becoming increasingly common in New England, a sign that the solar energy is growing rapidly in the region.
PJM's year was punctuated by changes in the capacity market as votes by stakeholders led to the implementation of the RTO’s narrowed MOPR.
PJM stakeholders endorsed manual revisions implementing fast-start pricing even after some members questioned one of the changes.
The PJM MIC OKd changes on fast-start pricing, 5-minute dispatch, solar-battery hybrids and an issue charge over energy efficiency in the capacity market.
PJM stakeholders endorsed tariff revisions to exclude the right of first refusal process from the evaluation of non-firm transmission service requests.
Stakeholders unanimously voted to amend PJM's issue charge addressing the calculation of regulation mileage ratio, asking the RTO for more time to discuss.
FERC accepted PJM’s compliance filing on its rules for fast-start resources, allowing tariff changes to take effect by July.
PJM stakeholders questioned whether proposals addressing compensation for reactive power supply and voltage control service should be delayed.
FERC approved SPP’s affected-system order compliance filing and the RTO's proposal to revise its fast-start pricing practices.
FERC accepted PJM’s proposed Tariff revisions on fast-start pricing to resolve inaccuracy and dispatch misalignment issues.
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