Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)
NERC is seeking comment on proposed changes to its Rules of Procedure intended to promote the registration of inverter-based resources.
A House hearing looking into Republican bills aimed at curbing DOE's efficiency regulations displayed the partisan split on reliability and energy efficiency.
The NYPSC has filed a third petition seeking federal judicial review of FERC orders related to NYISO's proposed 17-year amortization period for its demand curves in capacity market auctions.
An SPP Resource Adequacy Summit provided an opportunity for federal and state regulators, academics, market participants and stakeholders to discuss the reliability issues facing the grid.
Advocates filed a protest with FERC arguing that NYISO’s proposal to facilitate market participation of DER aggregations discriminates against smaller aggregations
NYISO said it plans to file a motion with FERC for an extension on the compliance deadline for Order 2023, according to a presentation given to stakeholders.
Environmental organizations reiterated their arguments that ISO-NE failed to justify the need for the program.
The U.S. must double the number of transmission projects permitted and built each year to meet its clean energy potential, according to the NRDC.
Former Maryland Public Service Commission Chairman Jason Stanek lays out the ways in which a lack of regulation and repair have led to a fragile, financially wasteful energy grid.
Several generation companies and PJM have indicated that they will finalize a settlement over the performance penalties the RTO assessed following Winter Storm Elliott.
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