MISO long-range transmission plan (LRTP)
LS Power has lodged a complaint against MISO for treating Indiana’s right of first refusal law as if it’s in effect when it’s under a preliminary injunction.
The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals has dismissed transmission customers’ argument against ITC Midwest receiving an abandonment rate incentive for an Iowa line segment included MISO long-range transmission planning.
MISO will waste no time in 2025 trying to blunt the threat of a shortage that could arrive in the summer months by encouraging new generation and enacting further resource adequacy measures.
Facing proliferating load additions, MISO has begun developing in-house long-term load forecasts after years of relying on outside help to form load outlooks.
MISO will examine one of the long-range transmission projects from its first portfolio following a cost increase of more than two and a half.
MISO President Clair Moeller predicted MISO will face a few tough years before securing enough generation to tame load growth and fashioning operational tools that help subdue the volatility of renewable energy.
The MISO Board of Directors approved a landmark, 24-project, mostly 765-kV collection of transmission lines and facilities for the RTO’s Midwest region at a cost of $21.8 billion.
MISO further embraced the industry’s move to chance-based transmission planning by hosting a Probabilistic Planning Symposium at its headquarters.
Stakeholders want MISO to develop a smaller, congestion-relieving transmission study after this year’s near-term congestion study focused on how best to sequence transmission outages needed for construction of long-range transmission projects.
MISO will take a breather from its long-range transmission planning over 2025 to retool the 20-year future scenarios that are the foundation of the transmission portfolios.
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