New York Independent System Operator (NYISO)

FERC Upholds Most of New York City Market Power Order
FERC last week left intact most of its 2010 order meant to mitigate market power in the installed capacity market in New York City.
FERC Dismisses NY Generators’ ‘Price Suppression’ Complaint
IPPNY failed to persuade FERC that out-of-market payments that keep financially strapped generation operating to maintain system reliability suppress capacity prices.
FERC: Hearing or Settlement on Dunkirk RSSA Charges
FERC last week ordered hearing and settlement procedures in a dispute over the costs of keeping NRG’s Dunkirk generating plant online for reliability.
New York Industrials Want Ginna Deal Tossed
Industrial, commercial and institutional energy customers in New York called on FERC to reject an agreement to keep the Ginna nuclear power plant operating.
Eastern RTOs Express Confidence in Meeting Clean Power Plan Compliance
Representatives of PJM, ISO-NE and NYISO told FERC they are prepared to implement their states’ plans for complying with EPA’s proposed Clean Power Plan.
New York PSC Bars Utility Ownership of Distributed Energy Resources
The overhaul of the electric industry in New York, Reforming the Energy Vision, will largely bar utility ownership of distributed energy resources.
Niagara Mohawk, Public Systems Reach ROE Settlement
Niagara Mohawk Power has agreed to reduce its return on equity in a settlement with groups representing public power and municipal utilities.
FERC Orders NYISO to Standardize RMR Terms in Tariff
NYISO must amend its Tariff to establish uniform rules for identifying and compensating reliability-must-run (RMR) generators, FERC ruled Thursday.
NYISO: We’ll Cooperate with PSC Review
NYISO defended itself against criticism from New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo but said it will cooperate with a review by state regulators.
NYISO Supports TO Exemptions to BSM Rules
NYISO last week asked FERC to exempt competitive transmission, including the Champlain Hudson project, from the ISO’s buyer-side mitigation rules.

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