October 5, 2024
FERC Again Rejects Dominion Bid for ISO-NE Auction Resettlement
FERC denied Dominion's request for rehearing of an order rejecting its challenge to ISO-NE’s 2016 Forward Capacity Auction over a paperwork error.

By William Opalka

FERC on Thursday denied Dominion Resources’ request for rehearing of an order rejecting its challenge to ISO-NE’s 2016 Forward Capacity Auction over a paperwork error that excluded capacity from its generating plant in Providence, R.I. (EL16-38-001).

iso-ne auction settlement ferc dominion
Manchester Street Station | Dominion

The commission on May 2 denied most of Dominion’s February complaint about ISO-NE’s decision to block new incremental capacity from an upgrade to the company’s Manchester Street Station from participating in FCA 10 in February. The three-unit generator boosted its summer capacity by 21 MW to 477 MW.

In September 2015, ISO-NE approved the additional 21 MW for the auction. But the RTO later disqualified the additional capacity because Dominion failed to submit a “composite offer” linking the new capacity and the existing capacity at the plant.

The deadline for composite offers was Oct. 9, 2015. Dominion filed its complaint with FERC just days before the FCA in February.

The commission rejected the complaint in May, finding that the company had received adequate notice of the RTO’s filing requirements in October and November. The commission directed ISO-NE to revise its Tariff to provide greater clarity but denied Dominion’s request to resettle the auction as if the company’s additional capacity had participated.

“We are not persuaded by Dominion’s assertion that the commission erred in determining that ISO-NE did not violate its Tariff and was therefore mistaken in finding that resettlement was not required,” FERC wrote last week. “It would be contradictory to find that ISO-NE’s Tariff was unjust and unreasonable because it failed to provide notice of the filed rate, while also finding that ISO-NE violated the filed rate.”

FERC’s May order did find that ISO-NE’s tariff was “unclear regarding the process for new incremental generating capacity and existing generating capacity at the same resource to participate in the FCA.”

ISO-NE responded with proposed Tariff changes under which it would automatically match new summer incremental generating capacity with excess existing winter qualified capacity at the same resource.

But the commission ordered the RTO on Aug. 30 to further amend its Tariff to automatically match new winter incremental capacity with excess existing summer qualified capacity at the same resource. “We find that there is no reason to limit, based on season, the automatic matching of new capacity with excess existing capacity,” the commission said (ER16-2126).

ISO-NE’s second compliance filing is due by the end of October.

Capacity MarketFERC & FederalISO-NEPublic Policy

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