
EPRI Launches DCFlex Initiative to Help Integrate Data Centers on the Grid
EPRI launched its DCFlex initiative, which is meant to maximize demand flexibility from data centers to help them more quickly plug into the grid and provide demand response for emergencies.
MISO and TVA Strike Emergency Energy Purchase Agreement, Request FERC OK
MISO and the Tennessee Valley Authority hope to implement an emergency energy purchase framework by Christmas Eve.
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Changing Dynamics of Clean Energy Transition Debated at Aurora Energy Conference
Despite some recent hiccups with supply chains and higher interest rates, the clean energy transition is set to accelerate with long-term policy support, panelists said at the Aurora Energy Transition Forum. 
Mass. Clean Energy Permitting, Gas Reform Bill Back on Track
After negotiations extending well past the end of the formal legislative session, Massachusetts lawmakers are nearing passage of a wide-ranging climate and energy bill.
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Data Center Load Uncertainty Tied to Broader Economy, Google Rep Says
The volume of data center load growth in the U.S. will depend on how things play out in the broader economy, a Google representative told a gathering of Western state energy officials.
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Future of Power Markets Discussed at Aurora Energy Conference
The Inflation Reduction Act and other policies have made the U.S. into one of the most attractive places to invest in clean energy, but completing the energy transition will require additional advances, according to panelists at the Aurora Energy Transition Forum.
NYISO Monitor Highlights Gap Between Planning, Market Requirements
NYISO's transmission planning requirements result in a need for more capacity than is required in the ISO’s market rules, according to Potomac Economics, the Market Monitoring Unit.
EDP Renewables
FERC Approves New MISO Probabilistic Capacity Accreditation
FERC authorized MISO’s move to a capacity accreditation method that blends probabilistic availability with historical unit performance.
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Exploring Alternatives to Hyperscale at the USEA Energy Tech Forum
Finding the sites and hundreds of megawatts of power data centers is “rather limited,” so said talks at the U.S. Energy Association’s Energy Tech Connect Forum.
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Outgoing MISO President Moeller Puts out Call for More Humanity in Industry
As he prepares to exit MISO, President and longtime employee Clair Moeller delivered parting advice, telling industry players to remember the human aspect in energy.

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