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Data centers are contributing to significant load growth and project needs in Silicon Valley, according to CAISO representatives speaking at the kickoff meeting for the ISO’s 2024/25 transmission planning process.
The Western Power Pool’s Board of Directors has approved changes to the Western Resource Adequacy Program’s transition plan that include postponing the program’s “binding” phase by one year and reducing penalties for participants who come up short on RA.
Stakeholders appear wary of MISO’s proposed, availability-based accreditation it plans to file with FERC by the end of the year for the RTO’s approximately 12 GW of load-modifying resources.
Increasing electricity prices must be met with a greater effort to reduce peak loads and protect low- and moderate-income ratepayers, several Northeast utility regulators said at Raab Associates’ New England Electricity Restructuring Roundtable.
A growing economy driven by new data centers has demand surging in Dominion Energy’s utility territory, CEO Robert Blue said in a speech.
Transmission policy has made some progress lately, but ITC President Krista Tanner came to Capitol Hill to get one more item over the finish line — the permitting bill.
FERC largely approved Order 2023 compliance filings for four utilities in the West and Texas, directing them to submit further compliance filings within 60 days.
Constellation Energy plans to reopen Three Mile Island Unit 1 under a power purchase agreement with Microsoft to sell about 835 MW to serve the company’s data centers.
Hybrid power plants, especially projects combining solar and storage, represent a growing amount of new generation online and in interconnection queues across the U.S., signaling a shift in how renewable power can be integrated into electric power markets, according to a new report from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.
The MISO Board of Directors hit the high notes of resource adequacy anxiety, a possible new member with experience at Southern California Edison and an annual budget that will creep past $400 million.
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