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MISO's Todd Hillman described the pressure cooker environment of escalating data center demand, a precarious reliability situation and an overwhelmingly large interconnection queue at Infocast’s inaugural Midcontinent Clean Energy Summit.
Responding to stakeholder pushback, CAISO has extended the timeline of its initiative refining bid cost recovery provisions for storage resources to allow for more discussion.
A major multiday energy storage project in central Maine intended to ease congestion is moving forward thanks to $147 million in federal funding.
Just as PJM negotiated provisions for data centers, they must do the same for battery storage. PJM’s next Order 2023 compliance filing is the time to make this change, says the Union of Concerned Scientists' Mike Jacobs.
PJM proposes tightening "know your customer" rules, which require members to provide information to facilitate the due diligence PJM conducts on key decision-making leadership.
FERC sanctioned a partial settlement to resolve many of the New Orleans City Council's longstanding complaints over management of the Grand Gulf Nuclear Station.
New England transmission owners have presented a $185 per kW-year regional network service rate for 2025, an increase over the $154 per kW-year rate in 2024.
MISO continues to try to get a bead on load growth and took stakeholder suggestions on how to best monitor sizable future load additions across the footprint.
The fate of two coal plants owned by AEP’s Appalachian Power is generating debate in a proceeding to approve the utility’s renewable portfolio standard plan at the Virginia State Corporation Commission.
The integration of Markets+ with the Western Resource Adequacy Program would be among a handful of key reliability benefits of SPP’s Western day-ahead offering, according to an “issue alert” published by 10 entities that backed development of the market.
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