Energy Storage
DOE proposed expanding exclusions for NEPA reviews for clean energy, storage, and transmission projects that are built on previously developed land, in a move welcomed by the renewable energy industry.
ISO-NE presented the final stage of its Operational Impact of Extreme Weather Events study to stakeholders at the NEPOOL Reliability Committee on Nov. 14.
Arizona Public Service has filed a 15-year resource plan that lays out a strategy for meeting increasing demand and replacing capacity lost from its coal plant exit.
Form Energy hopes to use its long-duration iron-air batteries to firm up renewable energy generation across extended stretches in New England.
A Department of Energy draft report focuses on limiting speculative projects to increase system reliability and reduce cost uncertainty.
ISO-NE can consider transmission-only battery storage as an option to address transmission system issues, FERC ruled.
FERC issued a final rule Thursday directing NERC to develop standards to improve the reliability of inverter-based resources.
FERC is moving to grant a solar developer’s request to force the Arizona Electric Power Cooperative to allow interconnection.
ISO-NE is pursuing an alternative compliance pathway on FERC Order 2023 regarding storage resource interconnection, hoping to sidestep the need for “control technology,” the RTO told the NEPOOL Transmission Committee.
Transmission upgrades that are needed to avoid overloads in a fully electrified New England by 2050 could cumulatively cost between $22 billion and $26 billion, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee.
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