September 30, 2024

Energy Storage

New Tech Needed for 100% Clean Energy, WECC Says
A WECC study found that the West needs emerging technologies capable of replicating the performance of gas plants to reach 100% clean energy by 2040.
Electricities of North Carolina
DC Circuit Upholds FERC on Duke-Muni Battery Dispute
The D.C. Circuit said a PPA between Duke Energy and 32 municipal utility customers allows the munis to use storage to reduce their capacity charges.
Connexus Energy
FERC Grants MISO Temporary Storage Waiver
FERC last week allowed MISO a hall pass on making sure offline energy storage resources can furnish certain types of energy reserves.
SPP Markets and Operations Policy Committee Briefs: Jan. 10-11, 2022
SPP stakeholders endorsed the RTO’s latest transmission planning assessment but also withheld approval of a 345-kV, double-circuit project in West Texas.
Baker Backs Bill to Eliminate Massachusetts OSW Price Cap
Sen. Mike Barrett is concerned that removing the OSW procurement price cap would open Massachusetts to higher project prices seen in neighboring states.
USA Rare Earth
Critical Minerals: America’s Achilles Heel?
An OurEnergyPolicy webinar focused on the importance of minerals to U.S. decarbonization and the vulnerability created by relying on imports.
Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg via Twitter
Build Back Better and Beyond: Insights for the Year Ahead
While the Build Back Better Act was knocked off the front pages by the resurgence of COVID-19, the bill will likely reclaim attention this month.
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CAISO Takes on Transmission, EDAM in 2022
CAISO intends in 2022 to focus on long-term transmission planning, interconnecting storage and extending the real-time Western EIM to a day-ahead market.
NY Officials Approve Draft Climate Action Plan
New York officials on Monday approved a draft scoping plan that lays out the steps needed to achieve the emission limits set by the CLCPA.
NextEra Energy Resources
CAISO Proposes Paying Storage Differently
CAISO proposed paying batteries to stay charged during the day in readiness for summer evening peaks to maintain resource adequacy in Western heat waves.

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