Bonneville Power Administration (BPA)
The competition for organized markets in the West grew Friday as the Bonneville Power Administration launched a process to choose between day-ahead markets proposed by CAISO and SPP and regulators from five Western states urged the establishment of a new, independent RTO covering the entire West.
Industry stakeholders expressed concern about the ERO's rising budgets and assessments in comments last week.
CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market yielded members $418.82 million in economic benefits during the first three months of 2023, a first-quarter record.
WECC held a two-day webinar on the outlook for this summer, including Western wildfires and hydropower conditions in the Colorado and Columbia River basins.
SPP has executed funding agreements with eight Western Interconnection entities for the first phase of its Markets+ market, accelerating its development.
Gas-electric coordination is becoming the “Achille’s heel of the energy transition,” ISO-NE CEO Gordon van Welie told the NERC Reliability Leadership Summit.
An effort to reopen Washington’s last standing aluminum plant with a lower carbon footprint faltered after BPA declined to guarantee low-cost energy.
BPA proposed to hold its rates mostly flat over its next two-year rate cycle — and said it might cut rates this year — thanks to surging revenues.
The WPP's future independent board will include the previous PJM CEO, a former member of WEIM's Governing Body and WPP’s present board chair, among others.
State regulators and consumer advocates urged FERC to order increased oversight over transmission owners' planning and spending.
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