cost of new entry (CONE)
MISO has calculated significant increases in its annual cost of new entry for use in its capacity auction in the 2024/25 planning year.
PJM's Markets and Reliability Committee endorsed issue charges, opening stakeholder discussions on generator deactivation timelines and a potential overhaul of the reserve markets during its Sept. 20 meeting.
The NYPSC has filed a third petition seeking federal judicial review of FERC orders related to NYISO's proposed 17-year amortization period for its demand curves in capacity market auctions.
Voltus withdrew a demand response resource issue charge, while AEP and Dominion proposed a capacity obligation issue charge.
PJM's Market Implementation Committee endorsed one of several packages to create new rules for generators with co-located load and rejected four proposals revising how generators providing reactive power service are compensated.
New England wholesale market costs were significantly lower in the spring of 2023 compared to spring 2022 and 2021, the ISO-NE Internal Market Monitor told the Markets Committee.
The New York PSC petitioned the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals to review FERC's approval of NYISO's proposal to use a 17-year amortization period for setting its cost of new entry.
The MIC voted against endorsing a proposal to expand the scope of the Reactive Power Compensation Task Force to include discussion of existing service rates.
MISO said that a sloped demand curve applied to its recent seasonal auction would have boosted summer clearing prices as much as sixfold.
FERC approved NYISO’s proposed 17-year amortization period when calculating the annual costs for hypothetical fossil fuel peaker plants.
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