FERC Order 2222
ISO-NE gave the Participants Committee a review of the past winter and a preview of the next — with and without the Everett LNG terminal.
A Brattle Group study finds virtual power plants are cheaper than other viable options for resource adequacy, namely storage and natural gas peaking plants.
ISO-NE stakeholders approved a proposed filing on DERs but rejected the RTO’s concerns in backing Ocean State Power's bid to remain a capacity resource.
FERC has become too politicized and should use its independent authority to move the electricity industry forward, two former commission chairs said.
FERC partially accepted NYISO’s second compliance filing for Order 2222, directing the ISO to submit another within 30 days to correct inconsistencies.
Price-responsive demand has long been supported by economists, but despite the significant investment in advanced meters, it has yet to take off.
With MISO still years away from allowing DER aggregators to fully participate in its markets, the RTO hosted experts to discuss best practices and data sharing.
DERs are still a couple years away from actually participating at the wholesale level as FERC works on RTO and ISO compliance with Order 2222.
ISO-NE has more work to do to comply with Order 2222, FERC said, faulting its metering and participation rules for DER aggregations.
RTO stakeholders presented FERC with a cornucopia of suggestions for dealing with electrification and the increasing penetration of renewables.
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