October 5, 2024
Manual Changes – MRC First Read
The PJM MRC heard first readings on the manual changes listed below. The committee will be asked to endorse the changes — excluding those for Manual 28, which is already in effect — in November.

The Markets and Reliability Committee heard first readings on the manual changes listed below. The committee will be asked to endorse the changes — excluding those for Manual 28, which is already in effect — in November.

Manual 13: Emergency Procedures

Reason for changes: Compliance with reliability standard EOP-004-2 (Event Reporting); change to load forecasting error metrics effective Jan. 1, 2014; general clean up.

Impact: Changes to numerous sections.

Manual 13: Emergency Procedures

Reason for changes: Revisions to 2014 Day-Ahead scheduling reserve (DASR) requirements for East Kentucky Power Cooperative.

Impact: Load forecasting error (LFE) component is 2.12% (down 0.01%); forced outage rate (FOR) component is 4.29% (down 0.37%); Preliminary DASR Requirement is 6.41% (down from 6.91%).

Manual 14A: Generation and Transmission Interconnection Process

Reason for changes:  Implementation of PJM/MISO Joint Common Markets initiatives; adjust terminology in PJM cost allocation rules for new service customers to align with Tariff.


  • Adds queue coordination rules to define times when the interconnection request information will be exchanged and studied.
  • Describes Transmission Service Request studies: Initial Study; System Impact Study (during Feasibility Study timeframe); System Impact Study (during System Impact Study timeframe).
  • Reinforces the JOA requirements to impose the applicable study criteria. Rules for reinforcements <$5 Million are modified to align with current practice of requiring the first project which loads a facility over 100% to have cost responsibility.

Manual 14B: PJM Region Transmission Planning Process

Reason for changes: M14B requires imposing historical commercial probability of proposed projects at each phase of study. Past studies identified many reinforcements which were not needed due to drop out of projects from the queue. The processing of project studies in the queue has improved in recent years, which has reduced the size of the backlog.

Impact: Shift factors used in commercial probability to earlier point in process and drop the use of the historical Feasibility Study commercial probability factor. At Feasibility Study phase, use Impact Study commercial probability factor (currently 53%); At Impact Study phase, use 100% commercial probability factor.

See Transmission Studies to Flag Upgrades Earlier

Manual 15: Cost Development Guidelines 

Reason for changes: Problem statement on cyclic peaking and starting factors, referred to Cost Development Subcommittee by the MRC.

Impact: CDS reached consensus on two changes: (1) Resource owners shall use original equipment manufacturer (OEM) values if available and (2) grandfather in OEM values for technologies no longer being built. Adds reference to extended cold start.

Manual 18: PJM Capacity Market

Reason for changes: Conform to other manual language; FERC docket #s ER12-513, ER13-535; ER13-2140; ER13-1023.

Impact: Numerous changes.

Manual 28: Operating Agreement Accounting

Reason for changes: Compliance with FERC final order on Performance Based Regulation, requiring regulating resources to be compensated with the mileage ratio multiplier in the regulation performance credit.

Impact: Implements compensation methodology detailed in PJM’s January 15, 2013 compliance filing:

  • Regulation Credits (Section 4.2) – Remove marginal benefits factor from capability and performance credit calculation. Mileage ratio will be used as the performance multiplier in the regulation performance credit.
  • Regulation Charges (Section 4.3) – Changes include specifics around the regulation obligation.
  • Changes are retroactively effective to the Performance Based Regulation implementation date, Oct. 1, 2012.

Manual 41: Managing Interchange Regional Practices / Regional Transmission and Energy Scheduling Practices

Reason for changes: Chapter 2 of the Regional Transmission and Energy Scheduling Practices document and Manual 41 cover topics related to interchange scheduling with significant overlap.

Impact: Merge the content of M41 and the Regional Practices document and retire M41. Post Regional Practices document on the Manuals page of the PJM website.

Capacity MarketGenerationPJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesReliabilityTransmission Planning

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