March 18, 2025

PJM TEAC Briefs: Feb. 4, 2025

PJM Presents Preliminary Congestion in 2024/25 Base Case

PJM’s Nick Dumitriu presented the Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee with the preliminary 2029 congestion results in the 2024/25 Base Case, which previously had been unable to offer a workable solution without the transmission upgrades included in the first window of the 2024 Regional Transmission Expansion Plan (RTEP).

The final base case and congestion drivers are expected to be published in March, with a long-term market efficiency project proposal window open between April and July. The TEAC and PJM Board of Managers may review any project recommendations to come out of that process toward the end of 2025.

The 345-kV Green Acre-P9701 West and Douglas-Francisco lines saw the greatest amount of annual congestion at $164 million and $107 million, respectively. Around 35 lines were identified with congestion exceeding $1 million annually.

RTEP Changes Include Doubling of Tx Costs for Brandon Shores Deactivation

The network upgrades necessary to allow the deactivation of Talen Energy’s Brandon Shores coal-fired generator outside Baltimore have doubled in cost from $738.83 million to more than $1.513 billion, PJM Director of Transmission Planning Sami Abdulsalam said.

Part of the increase came as more detailed engineering studies were conducted and assessments were made on site conditions. Abdulsalam said an example of that can be seen with the plan to build a new Batavia Road substation, which originally was planned to be air-insulated but has been upgraded to a gas-insulated substation due to limited land and wetlands on site.

Quotes received through the conceptual design phase also tended to be lower than those received once competitive bidding opened and constructability reviews were conducted with the aim of improving right of way access and limiting the potential for cost overruns. Abdulsalam said labor costs for construction and engineering have increased since the project was announced.

The cost of transmission upgrades to interconnect New Jersey’s offshore wind projects under the State Agreement Approach has decreased by $8.2 million with the removal of prebuild extension work, such as duct banks, for four high-voltage direct current lines to each of the converter station areas for the generators.

FirstEnergy has canceled the $37.5 million Whippany–Montville 230-kV line included in PJM’s package of transmission upgrades in the first window for the 2025 RTEP, citing “routing and permitting issues.” The upgrade was intended to resolve the potential for two 230-kV circuits in the Montville area to be lost and cause a voltage collapse dropping over 300 MW of load. FirstEnergy informed PJM that an alternative project should be identified and included in the RTEP.

Supplemental Projects

Dominion presented a $110 million project to build a new substation, named Duval, to serve more than 100 MW of residential and commercial load forecast in Chesterfield County. The $30 million substation would be connected to the Midlothian substation with four 230-kV lines for $80 million. The project has an in-service date of Jan. 1, 2028, and is in the engineering phase.

Dominion presented a pair of projects to replace two 230/115/13.2-kV transformer banks at its Landstown facility due to their age and maintenance issues. The projects would cost $9.86 million, with one expected to come online in December 2025 and the second a year later.

Dominion presented a series of projects to build a string of four substations networked between its planned Cirrus, Potato Run and Oak Green substations to serve new data center load in the Culpepper area.

At one end, the $14.3 million, six-breaker ring Palomino substation would be connected to the Cirrus substation with two 230-kV lines for $24.2 million. Palomino would be connected to the $14.3 million Chandler substation with double circuit 230-kV lines for $6.5 million.

The similarly priced McDevitt substation would be connected to Chandler with double circuit 230-kV lines for $5.5 million. The last facility, Mount Pony, would cost $11.6 million and would be connected to McDevitt with double circuit 230-kV lines for $28.2 million. Mount Pony also would connect to both Potato Run and Oak Green with 230-kV lines for $100 million in transmission and $40.8 million in upgrades at the existing sites. Each component has an in-service date in the second quarter of 2028 and is in the conceptual phase.

FirstEnergy presented two projects totaling $14.8 million to replace 230/34.5-kV transformers at its Glen Gardner and Larrabee substations, along with circuit breakers and disconnect switches to address maintenance issues associated with the end of life for the transformers. The Glen Gardner transformer would be installed by May 1, 2025, while the transformer at Larrabee would go in-service on April 12, 2027.

NYISO Assessing Impact of Trump’s Canada Tariff on Electricity Market

NYISO opened the Installed Capacity Working Group’s meeting Feb. 4 by telling stakeholders it is assessing the impact of President Donald Trump’s 10% tariff on “energy resources from Canada” on its markets. 

Trump the previous day paused the tariff, along with 25% tariffs on other imports from Canada and from Mexico, for 30 days after last-minute negotiations with the two countries’ leaders. (See North American Trade War Averted as Canada, Mexico Strike Deals.) But it remains unclear as to what resources it would apply to if it goes into effect March 4. (See Uncertainty Remains Around Energy Tariffs amid Last-minute Deals.) 

“NYISO is actively pursuing guidance pertaining to the impact on electricity markets and which Canadian energy resources qualify,” it said in a statement read at the start of the meeting. “We will communicate to all stakeholders as soon as we receive clarification. 

“The U.S. and Canada have one of the most integrated electric grids in the world, allowing system operators in both countries to pool resources for improved reliability and economic efficiency. We are in close and regular contact with Hydro-Quebec and Ontario’s Independent Electricity System Operator to ensure a reliable grid and stable flows of electricity across interregional transmission lines.” 

In addition to the applicability of the tariff to electricity imports from Canada to New York, NYISO is investigating: 

    • whether the ISO has any responsibility in collecting the tariff; 
    • whether the ISO’s tariff (that is, its filed rate) requires any amendments to fulfill a collection obligation; 
    • software and administrative procedures to effectuate tariffs; and 
    • reliability considerations over the short and long terms. 

NYISO spokesperson Andrew Gregory declined to say who or what the ISO is consulting or when it expected answers. 

A spokesperson for New York Gov. Kathy Hochul told RTO Insider the governor’s office did not know what the tariff would include, if it proceeded. The New York Department of Public Service said in a statement that it was “closely reviewing the situation.” 

Celeste Miller, acting director of media relations for FERC, declined to comment. 

FERC Order 904

Amanda Myott, NYISO senior market design specialist, presented an update to the ISO’s compliance filing for FERC Order 904, which prohibits transmission providers from including charges in their rates to compensate generators for reactive power that falls “within the standard power factor range by generating facilities.”   

In keeping with the order, NYISO intends to discontinue compensation to voltage support service (VSS) suppliers for reactive power within the standard range. 

“NYISO is also proposing to continue compensation for suppliers that offer voltage support outside the standard power factor range, with compensation being based on demonstrated capability using existing VSS testing and payment procedures,” Myott said.  

The ISO also proposes to define the standard range of 0.95 leading to 0.95 lagging, which is industry standard. 

Suppliers who want to participate will be subject to the same VSS capability testing rules and procedures that exist. The penalty structure for VSS program participants will be retained. Performance failures within the standard range for suppliers who do not participate in the new program will not be subject to penalties but may be reviewed under the tariff for a market violation. 

The new VSS program will be integrated into the capacity market through an adder to account for VSS revenues for each peaking plant technology. The adder’s value will be determined formulaically based on the Rate Schedule 2 compensation structure. This will come into effect on May 1 to align with the 2026/27 capability year. 

Several stakeholders asked to be allowed to review the tariff revisions necessitated by these changes before NYISO submitted its compliance filing, which is due March 28. The ISO stated they would return to the working group if necessary for more feedback. 

Study Finds Savings from Heating Electrification in New England

While heating electrification in New England is poised to drive a major increase in peak demand, electrifying about 80% of households could reduce the combined cost of the region’s electric and gas systems by 21 to 29%, according to a new study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 

The researchers emphasized the cost savings associated with retrofitting buildings to improve heating efficiency, noting that building envelope upgrades reduced electricity demand by an average of 16% in high-electrification scenarios and reduced gas demand by about 11%. 

They also stressed the importance of coordinated planning between the gas and electric systems to minimize the overall costs. 

“Our results highlight the value of integrated power-gas planning in future decarbonized energy systems, particularly in regions like New England where [natural gas] is prevalent as a heating fuel and also currently plays a major role in electricity supply,” the authors wrote. (See New England Gas Generation Hit a Record High in 2024.) 

The researchers evaluated five electrification pathways for 2050 across the gas and electric systems. They modeled supply costs and the need for new infrastructure, including transmission and generation, and accounted for the impacts of weather variability and emissions limits aligned with state policies. 

Across all scenarios, high electrification coupled with building heating efficiency improvements produced “the lowest combined residential power and gas demand that is up to 28 to 30% lower than values in the year 2020,” the study found. 

The model indicated that higher levels of electrification would reduce natural gas consumption and gas system costs, along with demand for expensive low-carbon fuels. While electrification would increase costs for the power system, it would bring significant savings on the gas side, the authors noted. 

“This highlights the importance of joint energy system planning and indicates that evaluating the gas or power systems in isolation from each other can lead to misleading results,” they wrote. 

To meet the increased demand from residential electrification, the study’s power production model relied heavily on new onshore and offshore wind resources, in part due to their high capacity factor relative to solar resources. The study also found a significant need for dispatchable resources, mirroring the findings of a recent ISO-NE study on deep decarbonization. (See ISO-NE Study Lays Out Challenges of Deep Decarbonization.) 

“At 17.7–28 GW, the overall capacity of the fleet of gas power plants is roughly 1 to 57% larger than the existing capacity but makes up only 8.4 to 13.4% of overall generation as compared with 52% for New England in 2022,” the authors noted. 

However, the role of natural gas was reduced when methane leaks were factored into the calculations for the emissions constraint. Methane, which is an extremely potent greenhouse gas over short-term periods, is a major source of emissions from natural gas networks. 

“Across all scenarios, accounting for methane emissions in the modeled decarbonization target leads to reductions in [natural gas] and increasing use of lower emissions-intensive but expensive [low-carbon fuel], thus increasing the total system cost,” the study found. 

The authors found that including methane leaks into the emissions calculations increased the cost benefits of the high-electrification scenarios, which rely the least on natural gas. Accounting for natural gas leaks also increased demand for low-carbon fuels to meet decarbonization requirements.  

“A theme of our findings is that a flexible, low-carbon electricity resource and/or low-carbon energy carrier will likely be needed to supply the energy demands of electrification cost-effectively while meeting decarbonization objectives in cold climates,” the authors wrote. 

The model allowed for additions of resources reliant on low-carbon fuels or carbon capture and storage. The authors noted that “competing technologies like nuclear-based power generation and long-duration energy storage could also be equally important to consider,” though these technologies were not modeled in the study. 

They also acknowledged there is uncertainty around the cost, availability and lifecycle emissions of low-carbon fuels, and similar viability concerns for natural gas generation with carbon capture and storage. 

The study, which sheds light on combined costs from the bulk power and gas systems, should not be interpreted as an all-encompassing cost-benefit analysis for heating electrification. It does not compare costs at the distribution level and does not account for the installation costs of end-use equipment or building retrofits. 

The authors highlighted the need for more research into commercial sector electrification, demand flexibility and distribution system impacts. 

NYISO Explains How It Would Put Poorly Performing Resources in Time-out

NYISO on Jan. 30 laid out for the Installed Capacity Working Group its proposal to remove operating reserve suppliers that consistently underperform from the market until they pass a requalification test. 

“When a resource is identified for review, there will be a rebuttable presumption that the resource’s ability to provide operating reserves will be removed,” said Katherine Zoellmer, NYISO market design specialist. “Removing a resource’s qualification to provide operating reserves should incentivize performance due to a loss of operating reserves revenues during the period of removal.” 

Zoellmer said the ISO was exploring the possible timeline of removal and possible requalification. In response to a stakeholder’s question, this would mean that 100% of the resource’s operating reserves would be “in jail” and off the market. 

“We want to make sure that the time of removal is long enough that it provides a disincentive,” said Mike Mager, representing Multiple Intervenors. “But it shouldn’t be too long. We want to get resources able to provide operating reserves to the market.” 

NYISO first presented the proposal last year, along with financial penalties for resources on the day-ahead schedule that fail to provide electricity as promised in the real-time market. The Business Issues Committee ended up tabling the penalty component but approved moving forward with the removal portion. (See Stakeholders Turn down NYISO Reserve Performance Penalties.) 

As currently proposed, NYISO would remove a resource from the market if it failed to perform during reserve pickup (RPU) events or audits and when dispatched in real time. The thresholds for failure have not been finalized. Crossing these thresholds would not cause automatic removal, Zoellmer said, but it would trigger a “holistic performance review.” 

“We take a look at the resource’s performance as a whole,” she said. “The goal of this is to remove persistently poor performers.” 

Stakeholders emphasized that resources should not be removed for isolated events. One stakeholder suggested splitting the RPU events/audits metric to take into account a failure to not just perform but also to ramp in the time desired. 

There was some discussion about whether removing a supplier would cause prices to rise. Mager said the point is that if resources are not providing the electricity they promised, they already are costing consumers money. 

“If we remove supply, that could have a price impact in the short run,” said Nathaniel Gilbraith, NYISO manager of energy market design. “The focus of this project is to improve performance and reliability of our operating reserve supplier fleet so in the long run, consumers can benefit from more availability of supply.” 

Another stakeholder said it would be helpful if the ISO generated automated notifications for resources that fail to perform on its metrics. Issuing warnings could help mitigate administrative or communications issues between NYISO and its fleet, they said. 

PJM Presents Capacity Price Cap and Floor to Members Committee

The Members Committee was sharply divided on an agreement in principle between PJM and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro to institute a cap and floor on capacity prices for the 2026/27 Base Residual Auction (BRA) and the following auction.

The Feb. 7 consultation with the Members Committee allows PJM to move one step closer to filing the agreement at FERC under Federal Power Act Section 205. The MC meeting was followed by a closed-door consultation with the Transmission Owners Agreement Administrative Committee (TOA-AC). (See PJM, Shapiro Reach Agreement on Capacity Price Cap and Floor.)

The proposal initially would limit prices to between $175/MW-day and $325/MW-day, values that are tied to the accreditation of a dual-fuel combustion turbine (CT) generator and could change with time.

PJM Executive Vice President Market Services and Strategy Stu Bresler said the agreement would improve confidence in market outcomes as FERC considers several market designs the RTO has filed and complaints about the capacity market — including one from Shapiro’s administration. Without an agreement on the commonwealth’s complaint, he said there could be further delay in the 2026/27 auction schedule, or the results could be subject to refund.

General Counsel Chris O’Hara said Shapiro’s administration has committed to withdrawing its complaint if the agreement is accepted by FERC, which could come in the form of a contingent notice of dismissal. The Pennsylvania complaint seeks to revise the auction price cap to be set at 1.5 times the net cost of new entry (CONE), rather than the greater of gross CONE or 1.75 times net CONE (EL25-46). (See Pennsylvania Seeks Lower PJM Capacity Price Cap in FERC Complaint.)

The agreement is focused on the next two auctions, Bresler said, because of a confluence of circumstances likely to limit the amount of new entry. Those include the short time period between BRAs and the corresponding delivery years under the compressed auction schedule and the backlogged interconnection queue. He said both are temporary as PJM holds a goal of returning to three-year forward auctions and as it works through a transitionary process meant to shorten the timeline for studying new interconnection requests.

“This is proposed as a temporary solution for the next two BRAs … we believe not moving forward with this settlement would have been untenable,” Bresler said.

PJM plans to file the proposal at FERC on Feb. 14. That could be delayed if it determines it would be preferable to see how the commission acts on several other filings first. Vice President of Market Design and Economics Adam Keech said a FERC order on the RTO’s proposal to revert the reference resource to a dual-fuel CT, instead of a combined cycle (CC) generator, would be especially noteworthy. Even if the reference resource change is rejected, Keech said PJM likely would seek to continue basing the proposed price cap and floor on a CT.

Denise Foster Cronin, of the East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC), said PJM’s motivation is to provide short term relief for consumers, but she’s concerned this is a fundamental change in the auction design that will undercut reliability and ultimately lead to much higher prices in the long term, starting as soon as 2028. Infusing additional uncertainty into the market for those who must make investment decisions now will stymie much needed investment in new and existing resources.  Additionally, in relying upon generators in Western PJM to supply load centers in Eastern PJM subject to the price cap, she said this proposal effectively requires Western generators to subsidize load to achieve the purported short-term savings.

Paul Sotkiewicz, president of E-Cubed Policy Associates, said the capacity market was created in part to address state rules and standards that could have compromised resource adequacy by creating a stable market design that allows the impact of those policies to be reflected in price signals. Instead of holding to that history, he said PJM has arrived at a settlement drafted without including its membership, which would lead to fewer resources being committed.

“We’re shifting and transforming price risk into reliability risk for political expediency,” he said.

If it moves forward with the agreement, Tom Hoatson, of LS Power, recommended PJM clear the auction normally, publish the clearing price, and then truncate the results to fit within the cap and floor. Doing so would allow investors to have greater insight into the market dynamics, while still meeting PJM’s goals driving the settlement.

“It’s just information that we need to understand to determine how we should invest in these markets,” he said.

Consumer advocates questioned the need for a floor on prices, with Greg Poulos, executive director of the Consumer Advocates of the PJM States, saying that even if the auction cleared at the proposed floor, that would remain one of the highest clearing prices the capacity market historically has seen.

“This is an extremely high floor to incentivize resources in that perspective,” he said.

Ryann Reagan, of the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, said the BPU takes seriously the resource adequacy concerns PJM has laid out in recent years and the focus on high prices. However, if the price floor does turn out to be relevant it would indicate there’s been a fundamental misreading of market conditions. If that were the case, he said consumers should not be expected to pay higher prices than necessary.

Bresler said PJM has conducted a lot of analysis over the past two years showing supply and demand are tightening in an accelerating manner. To achieve a solution mutually beneficial for market sellers and buyers, it needed to address the legitimate consumer cost concerns and also sustain any new entry possible in PJM over the next two years.

“We feel that it is really important to ensure that we really address both sides of the equation,” he said.

Senior Vice President of Governmental and Member Services Asim Haque said PJM and the Shapiro administration reached an impasse during negotiations on the agreement, leading them to seek input from market sellers. When pressed by stakeholders, he declined to provide more detail on which market participants were included in the discussion other than stating it was a broad swath.

“This was input to our discussions around the concept of investment [and] economics in the marketplace. The easiest way to think about this is we don’t build anything, and the Shapiro administration doesn’t build anything,” he said.

Jackie Roberts, federal policy advisor for the West Virginia Public Service Commission, said she does not believe settlement privilege would extend to entities not party to the agreement who provided insight that informed its terms. She argued the fact that PJM spoke to other suppliers isn’t privileged and the RTO owes it to the members to tell them who it spoke to. She asked that any explanation of why this is not the case be supplied in writing to the Organization of PJM States Inc.

Independent Market Monitor Joe Bowring said he supports the agreement, subject to appropriate implementation, and believes it would be consistent with a competitive market result. The variable resource requirement (VRR) curve always has included maximum prices.

“The argument has been about what that maximum price should be. IMM analysis has shown that PJM’s proposed maximum price of about $600 would result in a wealth transfer from customers to generations of about $8.7 billion per year with no achievable incentive effects,” he told RTO Insider.

He compared the agreement to a recommendation the Monitor has made in its analysis of the 2025/26 BRA results that PJM revise the formula defining the maximum price to be 1.5 times the net CONE, rather than the greater of gross CONE or 1.75 times net CONE, although he said the agreement would result in maximum prices 14% higher than the Monitor’s proposal. Bowring told RTO Insider he’s opposed to minimum prices in the auction design.

“The agreement would set the maximum price on the VRR curve at a level consistent with the capacity market design. The maximum price of $325 is almost three times higher than the weighted average capacity auction price over the history of the capacity market, $116.30,” Bowring said. “PJM’s implementation of the agreement is not consistent with an agreed on maximum price of $325 because PJM converts the price from UCAP to ICAP, making it subject, for no good reason, to changes in ELCC ratings.”

SPP Board/Regional State Committee Briefs: Feb. 3-4, 2025

RSC, Directors Approve One-time Study to Meet PRM Requirements

SPP’s Board of Directors has approved a one-time process to quickly add generation so load-responsible entities (LRE) can meet their resource adequacy needs under the grid operator’s planning reserve margin (PRM) requirements.

During its virtual Feb. 4 quarterly meeting, the board endorsed the Resource and Energy Adequacy Leadership Team’s proposal for an expedited resource adequacy study (ERAS) to ease the interconnection of new resources. The process, separate from the RTO’s existing generator interconnection (GI) process and its definitive interconnection system impact study of proposed generation, is designed to address resource adequacy concerns created by increased load projections, generation retirements and the current GI queue backlog.

While cautioning that stakeholders fall on both sides of the recommendation, CEO Barbara Sugg said, “I believe we have to do everything we can to get generation online as quickly as we can and meet our reliability needs, and I think this is a big step toward that.”

“This provides an additional optionality for those trying to meet the additional PRM requirements, so I think this is a positive step forward,” director Stuart Solomon, a former utility CEO, said.

Under the proposal, LREs will be able to select any generation and fuel type, based on their needs, for a special one-time study conducted outside the regular GI study queue. Requests accepted into the study will have priority over all GI requests without signed agreements. The requests must have a commercial operation date within two years.

The Regional State Committee (RSC), which unanimously approved the proposal during its Feb. 3 meeting, also will be required to approve the one-time ERAS.

While LREs generally supported the recommendation, developers said that existing GI requests might suffer financial harm from ERAS projects “jumping the line.” They also expressed concerns about FERC’s acceptance of an eventual tariff change, saying that it appears contrary to longstanding policy.

However, that policy could change. U.S. lawmakers have introduced legislation requiring the commission to craft rules so transmission providers can set up special queues for reliability needs and dispatchable generation. (See Bills Introduced in Congress to Speed up Queues for Dispatchable Power Plants.)

“We also understand the desire to add more generation, but we really still echo some concerns about the potential harm that this could have on projects in the existing queue and getting to our goals of getting through the backlog,” NextEra Energy Resources’ Jennifer Solomon said. “One of the problems that we see with moving this to FERC is that currently, the proposal is only open to projects that are selected by an LRE. There a number of issues that we will look at as the [tariff revision] develops, but I echo that it’s important that we stay kind of focused on how, if this moves forward, [it does so] in a way that ensures that it’s targeted, that it’s looking at how the [commercial operation dates] are going to be met.”

“We’re in a very unusual time. We have unprecedented load growth. We have these increases in PRMs, but it’s really challenging load-responsible entities,” Oklahoma Municipal Power Authority’s Dave Osburn said. “We’re the entities that are responsible for serving load. What SPP put forward is a bold plan, but this is the time for bold plans.”

The Members Committee approved the measure with its advisory vote, 16-4, with two abstentions. The Advanced Power Alliance, EDP Renewables, the Natural Resources Defense Council and Pine Gate Renewables opposed the proposal.

RA, Congestion-hedging Recs Pass

The board also approved several other recommendations related to resource adequacy and congestion hedging that previously were endorsed by the RSC:

    • A long-term PRM policy paper outlining the framework for establishing planning horizon PRM requirements and providing LREs with adequate advance notice leading up to the applicable operating seasons. Stakeholders approved a Year 4, Year 7 and Year 10 cadence for the loss-of-load expectation studies and switching the LOLE study from a biennial analysis to annually.
    • Implementing a 2029 PRM for the summer and winter seasons of 17% and 38%, respectively, based on submitted forecasts for the resource and load mix using the 2023 LOLE study.
    • Two policies stemming from the Holistic Integrated Tariff Team’s work on congestion hedging. One increases opportunities for all market participants to receive long-term congestion rights (LTCRs) awards and the other coordinates with planning to review firm transmission assumptions used in planning processes. The LTCR proposal allows the netting of flows in their allocation. Eligible participants can nominate up to 50% of each path, with all current awarded LTCR paths over 50% grandfathered. The awarded LTCRs can be held for five years.

SPP staff said the increase in LTCRs would improve their allocation while also maintaining participants’ ability to retain current allocations by grandfathering those rights. That would result in more awards with no entity losing their current positions there, they said.

However, stakeholders pushed back, as they have since firm transmission service customers first asked in 2016 for improvements in determining the amount of auction revenue rights awarded in the annual and monthly ARR allocations. The Market Working Group and Cost Allocation Working Group both voted against the proposals, expressing a desire to wait until the 2025/26 LTCR period to evaluate other changes. Concerns also arose that allowing more LTCRs to be allocated could lead to underfunding issues.

“I think we have a responsibility to think about the public interest, and expanding the size of the pie is a way to create value for customers across the SPP region,” director Steve Wright said. “A 50% increase in LTCRs seems like a very big deal to me. There’s a lot of value that’s created and therefore, a lot of benefit that can flow through to members in the SPP region. I think we have a responsibility to go try and make that happen and continue to work with those who are concerned that their existing rights may be impacted in some way.”

EDP Renewables’ David Mindham was among those protesting the congestion-hedging recommendation over what he said was a lack of equity in allocating LTCRs.

“What we’re saying in SPP right now is the only way you can get value from paying for transmission is if you’re already getting that value, so that discourages new entry into willingly paying for transmission on the SPP system,” he said. “EDP has paid for a lot of transmission service throughout the years. We’re not going to do that anymore. We’re not going to willingly pay for transmission because we weren’t here long enough to derive value from the existing long-term congestion process. We’ve been run out of the market.”

The Members Committee voted against the motion with their advisory ballot, 6-10, with six abstentions.

Nickell, Sugg Share CEO Report

Lanny Nickell, who doesn’t officially take the CEO’s reins at the RTO until April 1, shared his initial thoughts with stakeholders while sharing the president’s report to the board with Sugg.

“I made a commitment to the board to help SPP succeed by placing an emphasis on operational excellence, ambitious strategy and high visibility,” he said. “Those are the three pillars that I believe will allow us to be successful, if built upon a foundation of SPP’s world-class culture and stakeholder experience.” (See Nickell: SPP’s Culture Paves Way for its 2025 Success.)

Nickell listed SPP’s three corporate goals for 2025, down from five the year before:

    • Continuing to mitigate resource adequacy risks (he sits on the Resource Energy and Adequacy Leadership Team).
    • Accelerating generator and load interconnection while planning for the load of the future.
    • Continuing SPP’s Western expansion.

“Just because there’s three and not five doesn’t mean there’s less work,” he said. “These do not represent all the work and initiatives that will be undertaken throughout the year. They just simply represent the objectives that need to be most visible within our member community and within the organization and need a higher degree of focus and attention to ensure successful completion.”

Sugg, who announced her retirement last year, said, “I’ve worked with Lanny for a long time, and I have every confidence that he’s the best choice.

“As I look forward, I’m excited about where SPP is headed,” she added. “There’s no shortage of challenges, but we’ve proven time and time again that we always rise to the challenge. Lanny has got a lot on his plate and very high expectations that he set for himself, never mind the expectations that you all set for him. Certainly, I’m going to be watching SPP from the front row with my pompoms and whatever else I need to cheer on the organization as a whole.”

Ellis Retires, Evergy Exec Hired

Sugg also said Sam Ellis had retired Feb. 3 as vice president of IT after 22 years with SPP. He joined the organization in 2003 from member company Empire District Electric Co.

“It’s particularly noteworthy that I tried to hire Sam, and he rejected my offers prior to 2003, not that I’m holding a grudge against Sam or anything,” Sugg said. “He finally did come to SPP, and he did finally come and work directly for me. Anyway, we’re going to miss Sam, his sense of humor, his love for this company, and for our people.”

Sam Ellis (left), Kevin Bryant | SPP

Ellis received a round of virtual applause from the board and stakeholders.

Nickell tag-teamed Sugg by announcing Kevin Bryant’s hire as the RTO’s first executive vice president of stakeholder affairs and chief strategy officer. Bryant will oversee the development and execution of SPP’s corporate strategy; lead the administration of its stakeholder process; and direct the management of the organization’s relationships and communications with internal and external stakeholders, including member companies and market participants in the Eastern and Western Interconnections.

Bryant comes to SPP after 22 years at Evergy, where he most recently was the company’s COO and its CFO before that. He will join the staff April 1.

RTO Western Expansion Progressing

COO Antoine Lucas said during the quarterly update to stakeholders that while SPP has received tariff approval for Markets+, it also is waiting on FERC’s go-ahead for its Western RTO expansion. The RTO filed a response to the commission’s deficiency filing in November.

“I hope that we will get that approval toward the middle of this month,” he said.

Lucas said in the meantime, staff is working with its vendor to build out the market systems. He said there have been a “few challenges” with software delays, but that staff is working to ensure the RTO expansion meets its April 2026 go-live target.

Casey Cathey, vice president of engineering, said SPP signed 108 generator interconnection agreements for more than 18 GW of capacity in 2024, three times more than the 10-year average for GIAs. He said the RTO expects to execute another 150 GIAs for 6.7 GW this year, when four study clusters are expected to enter negotiations for GI agreements.

The GI backlog effort continues, Cathey said, with clusters through 2022 resolved this year. The 2025 study cluster closes March 1, leaving the 2026 cluster as potentially the first study group under SPP’s consolidated planning process. Staff plans to bring a revision request for stakeholder approval in the second quarter this year and file a tariff change at FERC in the third quarter.

RSC OKs Order 1920 Extension

The RSC unanimously approved staff’s recommendation to request an extension of a six-month engagement period under FERC Order 1920 until Nov. 3.

The order requires transmission operators to produce a 20-year regional transmission plan to identify long-term needs at least every five years. SPP has produced 20-year plans for at least a decade. However, it still is subject to a six-month engagement period to allow state entities to negotiate a cost allocation method and/or a state agreement process.

“It really appears FERC wants to model other regions after what SPP does, and that is to have states involved in cost-allocation decisions provided to transmission upgrades,” SPP General Counsel Paul Suskie told the regulators.

SPP’s engagement period was to end May 5, but several RSC members expressed a desire for an extension. The committee is responsible for determining cost allocation issues, financial transmission rights allocations and the regional resource adequacy approach.

STEP Report Approved

The board’s unanimously approved consent agenda included:

    • Approval of the 2025 SPP Transmission Expansion Plan report, which indicates 43 transmission upgrades, valued at $161.8 million, have been completed since the 2024 report. Another 290 upgrades were issued notices to construct, valued at $3.2 billion, and 20 upgrades worth $195.4 million were withdrawn.
    • A revision request (RR650) to develop HVDC planning criteria for SPP’s governing documents.
    • Endorsement of the Oversight Committee’s recommendation that the 17 members of the 2024 industry expert pool be renewed for 2025 and that five new members be added: former SPP exec Michael Desselle and Carolyn Barbash, Adrienne Bradley, Susan Thomas and Stanley Krause.
    • Adding an independent director to the 24-person Strategic Planning Committee, giving the board between three and five seats.

MISO Members to Explore Ways to Rev Up Stalled Generation Builds

MISO members teed up a discussion on the approximately 57 GW of approved but unfinished generation in the footprint that will be a focal point of MISO’s quarterly Board Week in March.  

MISO’s Advisory Committee plans to host a discussion titled “Stalled GIAs: Challenges, Inefficiencies, Impacts” at its all-day meeting March 12 in New Orleans. Members will probe the footprint’s growing number of generation projects that have signed generation interconnection agreements (GIAs) but have yet to reach commercial operation.  

MISO has said its resource adequacy standing would be less precarious if some of the 57 GW would come online. It has pinned the delay mostly on blocked supply chains. 

“While we appreciate the work MISO has done to track the status of projects, there are some other elements that warrant discussion to get a full picture of this topic,” NextEra Energy’s Erin Murphy said.  

MISO first reported in 2023 that it was sitting on about 50 GW in generation projects that have earned stamps of approval to connect to the system but weren’t completed. (See MISO: Reliability Risk Upped by 49 GW in Approved but Unbuilt Generation.) That number has grown.  

MISO and members circulated a list of draft questions for sectors, including naming the leading factors for so many GIAs to become stationary and suggesting improvements for how to get projects unstuck and prevent that from happening in the future. The list also asked members to evaluate to what extent MISO’s proposed, fast-tracked interconnection queue lane might help. 

Advisory Committee leadership will take members’ suggestions on the draft discussion starters through Feb. 19.  

MISO surveyed generation developers over the delays and found they consistently cited supply chain issues on the part of transmission owners as a source of the holdup. Illinois and Indiana lead MISO with the most megawatts signed for but not online. 

MISO in late 2024 concluded its members need to bring projects online at an “unprecedented” 17-GW-per-year clip to achieve resource adequacy while decarbonizing the grid. That’s triple the rate members have added per year over the past few years. (See MISO Assessment Calls for 17 GW in New Resources Annually.) However, RTO staff have warned that the generator interconnection queue isn’t the source of guaranteed resource additions that it used to be and that projects could face anywhere from three- to seven-year delays before megawatts materialize on the system after signing their interconnection agreements.  

MISO TOs Take ROE Battle to DC Circuit Court Again

MISO transmission owners again have taken arguments against FERC’s most recent return on equity decision to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals. 

The transmission owners on Feb. 4 submitted a petition for review of FERC’s October order that set their base ROE at 9.98%, down from the previous 10.02% (25-1045). They said the commission impermissibly and retroactively backdated ROE to “an earlier order that FERC abandoned” while including eight years of interest as part of the excessive refunds ordered. 

FERC most recently settled on MISO transmission owners’ ROE by once again eradicating the risk premium model from the calculation. (See FERC Sets MISO TOs’ ROE at 9.98%, Again Eliminates Risk Premium Model.) The commission reasoned there was no evidence investors use the model. FERC stuck to the remaining two models — the discounted cash flow and the capital asset pricing — to establish a zone of reasonableness and set the ROE at its midpoint.  

At the time, FERC’s decision appeared to settle a more than 10-year-old back-and-forth over which rate inputs are appropriate.  

MISO TOs’ rehearing request of the October decision was denied Dec. 19, 2024, because FERC failed to act on it within the statutorily prescribed 30-day period (EL14-12, et al). In their request, MISO TOs said they shouldn’t be subjected to “punitive interest for multiyear delays far outside of the MISO transmission owners’ control” because of FERC’s delay in addressing complaints filed more than a decade ago. 

The transmission owners also argued to the D.C. Circuit that the latest ROE decision lends legitimacy to “an underlying unlawful complaint” made in 2015. 

MISO transmission customers in late 2013 first complained that the 12.38% ROE in use since 2002 was excessive. A second complaint challenging the ROE followed in 2015; that complaint was dismissed as FERC set and reset ROEs from 2016 onward (10.32% beginning in 2016, 9.88% in 2019, 10.02% in 2020).  

MISO TOs said since the second, 2015 complaint made no new allegations and presented no new facts or analyses on ROE, only the first, 2013 complaint should be considered for FERC’s 15-month limit on refunds per the Federal Power Act. The TOs said the 2015 complaint included identical analysis and identical allegations as the 2013 version. They argued it amounted to a “transparent attempted end-run around” to roll another 15-month period into the assorted ROE refunds and ultimately had FERC backdating refunds with interest to 2016. TOs said FERC should have dismissed the 2015 ROE complaint as an “unlawful successive complaint” instead of referring to it as a point in time for refunds.  

MISO TOs argued that FERC only may establish new rates prospectively and cannot claim that it “simply granted rehearing in the more than eight years” that passed since it set the 10.32% ROE, especially since new ROE orders have come and gone since then. TOs said FERC only should have used the original, 15-month span between 2013 and 2015 for refunds when it set the current, 9.98% value.  

This isn’t the first time the D.C. Circuit has been asked to weigh in on the long-running ROE question.  

FERC found the ROE case back on its docket last year because the D.C. Circuit in 2022 vacated the commission’s 10.02% value due to the risk premium model’s inclusion since 2020. On a petition for review from transmission customers, the court said it didn’t understand why FERC would dedicate pages to describing the risk premium model’s shortcomings, circular nature and scarce use only to reinstate its application a few years later in 2020. (See DC Circuit Sends FERC Back to Drawing Board on MISO ROE.) 

Bills Introduced in Congress to Speed up Queues for Dispatchable Power Plants

Rep. Troy Balderson (R-Ohio) introduced legislation on Feb. 6 that would speed up the nation’s interconnection queues for “dispatchable generation,” with a companion bill introduced in the Senate by Sens. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) and Todd Young (R-Ind.).

The Guaranteeing Reliability through the Interconnection of Dispatchable (GRID) Power Act would allow certain projects, at the request of grid operators, to bypass overwhelmed queues. It would require FERC to craft rules to that effect for transmission providers to set up a special queue for such projects needed for reliability.

Grid operators would have to show a reliability need and how such a project would address it and provide a process for public comment and stakeholder engagement before taking a proposal to FERC. Any proposal to speed a project through the queue would have to go to FERC for approval and be open for comments from all parties.

“Our interconnection queue is buckling under its own weight,” Rep. Balderson said in a statement. “Transmission providers are tasked with ensuring we have enough electricity to keep the lights on, but the growing backlog of projects is adding years to an already time-consuming process. This legislation would give grid operators the authority to identify and expedite the consideration of essential projects that will protect our grid’s reliability and provide the power needed to meet America’s growing demand.”

The bill, a version of which Balderson introduced late in 2024 as well, is supported by the Electric Power Supply Association, a trade group of independent power producers that build many of the power plants that would benefit from a quicker path through the queue.

“EPSA is a staunch supporter of the benefits of competitive markets. However, no economic model or structure can overcome inefficiencies in the interconnection process that can significantly delay critical investment in new dispatchable generation,” said EPSA CEO Todd Snitchler. “This legislation appropriately creates a process that recognizes when reliability concerns require that certain investments be prioritized in the interconnection queue. The proposal is designed to recognize when reliability may be at risk and respond in a prudent and targeted manner.”

EPSA said natural gas power plants will continue to be needed for decades even as more intermittent resources are added to the grid.

The legislation comes as artificial intelligence is driving a spike in data center demand and leading to demand growth for the first time in decades. New investment and rapid development of dispatchable generation resources is needed to meet that, with EPSA pointing to the recent PJM capacity auction and its resulting price spike as signaling the need for more investment.

The RTO has made several filings at FERC that would seek to speed up new capacity through the queue, though the closest change to the legislation — the Reliability Resource Initiative — would only be for Transition Cycle No. 2, not permanent like the legislative proposal.

“Bureaucratic delays are slowing critical power projects and threatening the reliability of our electric grid,” said Sen. Young. “We need to cut through red tape to get more power online faster. This bill will strengthen our grid to promote American energy independence and drive economic growth — especially in states like Indiana, where reliable energy is vital to jobs and Hoosier workers.”

Oregon Utilities Enter 2025 With Ambitious Wildfire Plans

Increased wildfire risk in the Pacific Northwest has spurred utilities to adjust their operations to account for climate change and other contributing factors to better predict and fight fires going into 2025, utilities told the Oregon Public Utility Commission on Feb. 6.

There were 64,897 reported wildfires in 2024 that burned approximately 8.9 million acres nationwide, compared to 2.7 million acres in 2023. Oregon saw nearly 1.8 million acres burned due to wildfires, according to the National Interagency Coordination Center.

The “rapidly increasing impacts of climate change” are the predominant drivers behind the approximately 55% increase in wildfire risk in 2025 compared to 2024 risk models, Kellie Cloud, senior director of wildfire and operational compliance at Portland General Electric, said during OPUC’s wildfire workshop.

“Extreme weather events, drought and tree mortality all increase the potential for smaller fires to grow into destructive wildfires,” Cloud said.

The utility’s 2025 risk model also confirmed the importance of increased investment in system hardening and the effectiveness of PGE’s vegetation management, according to PGE’s presentation.

Some of PGE’s efforts already have paid off as it has reduced the size of certain high-risk zones by, for example, converting 8.7 overhead line miles to go underground and improving risk methodologies, Cloud said.

These efforts will continue into 2025, with PGE — which serves about 900,000 customers — planning to convert 26 line miles of overhead to underground, reducing ignition likelihood by addressing tree mortality and installing more wildfire detection cameras, among other things.

Similar efforts are underway by Idaho Power, which serves 20,000 customers in Oregon and another 650,000 across Idaho.

2024 marked an intense fire season for Idaho Power, said Jon Axtman, the company’s wildfire mitigation and transmission and distribution engineering director.

The utility saw 1,509,455 acres burned across its service area, which is about 175% above normal for the fire season in terms of acres burned, according to Idaho Power’s presentation.

“Wildfires in 2024 impacted the reliability of our customers as well, and we had 46 outages across the entire service territory that were either caused by fires burning into our lines, threatening or damaging equipment, or at the request of fire agencies to deenergize for safety purposes,” Axtman said.

He added that the utility also initiated its first ever full public safety power shutoff (PSPS) in 2024, which impacted thousands of customers.

The event led Idaho Power to reassess some of its operations, according to Axtman. For example, the utility installed more weather stations to gather wind speed data quickly instead of relying on publicly available data. Weather stations also could reduce the utility’s reliance on field observers in remote areas, he said.

Similar to PGE, Idaho Power will focus on system hardening in 2025, installing fire resistant wrap around transmission poles and building out its network of wildfire cameras, according to Axtman.

Representatives from PacifiCorp also participated in the wildfire workshop to discuss its mitigation plans in Oregon. The utility serves 623,000 customers in the state across nearly 21,000 square miles, about 14% of which is in high-fire risk areas, according to Melissa Swenson, director of PacifiCorp’s wildfire mitigation program.

Among the initiatives PacifiCorp has launched include expanding its fire risk model to cover its entire service territory, not just high-risk areas, and it has implemented a new PSPS forecast editor “to be more targeted about when a PSPS can happen,” Swenson said.

The utility also has increased its distribution hardening target from 125 miles in 2024 to 175 miles in 2025, and increased the number of fire season safety patrols, according to Swenson.

“Grid hardening is really the way to reduce the operational costs of the work, but also to improve the reliability,” Swenson said. “Because I think, you know, over time, if we have more hardening, maybe we don’t have to do the PSPS events.”