SPP Has ‘Positive Outlook’ Heading into Winter

SPP says it expects to have enough generation to meet demand this winter following an assessment that indicated an increase in operational certainty over the previous two assessments.  

The grid operator’s staff told stakeholders Nov. 18 during its annual Winter Reliability Forecast and Emergency Communications webinar that they project a 98.5% probability of SPP having sufficient resources to meet the projected peak demand this winter season. That probability increases further when operating reserves are added to the mix. 

Weather forecasts, peak demand projections, expected generation availability and other trends suggest the region will have a greater margin between electricity demand and generating capacity than in the previous two peak seasons, staff said. 

“While this forecast presents a positive outlook for electricity customers throughout the SPP footprint, we must continue to be vigilant and plan for growing power demands in the future,” SPP COO Lanny Nickell said in a statement. “We can never say for sure when extreme weather events, such as what we have experienced in recent years, may materialize. SPP is doing everything it can to be prepared to meet customer needs.” 

Winter storms in February 2021 and December 2022 stretched the footprint’s available reserves, forcing the RTO to shed load in 2021 and import power. 

SPP has projected demand to peak at 46.92 GW in its 14-state footprint. It has a total winter capacity of 63.88 GW, resulting in about a 40% reserve margin. The capacity values do not include the effect of accreditation policies filed at FERC. The grid operator’s resource adequacy requirements for the winter season (December-March) are not effective until the 2024/25 winter season. 

The La Niña weather pattern is forecast to return during the upcoming season, bringing with it the potential strong polar jet stream that led to the 2021 and 2022 winter storms. Temperatures are expected to be lower than normal in the northern plains and higher in the South. 

SPP annually assesses historical and predicted future electricity use, weather forecasts, wind energy’s variability, drought conditions, and generation and transmission outages to identify and address threats to energy reliability during the winter. 

Corporate Solar Development Continues to Grow

Large corporations trying to green their operations continue to expand their solar generation capacity, with Meta, Amazon and Target among the leaders. 

In its latest “Solar Means Business” report, the Solar Energy Industries Association reports nearly 40 GW of on-site and off-site corporate capacity installed by March 2024. 

It finds that Meta Platforms leads on overall capacity (5,177 MWDC); Amazon led on capacity addition in calendar year 2023 (2,930 MWDC) and has the largest self-reported pipeline (13,591 MWDC); and Target has the largest on-site capacity (319 MWDC). 

Additionally, the 2024 edition of the report is the first to tally corporate installed battery storage. Google tops the rankings by a wide margin, with 312 MWAC. 

Solar and storage are a reliable and low-cost way to power operations, SEIA President Abigail Ross Hooper said in a Nov. 20 news release announcing the report 

It is not a one-size solution, she said: “These industry giants are investing in solar through a diverse range of applications, including on-site and off-site installations, on carports, paired with storage, or even as an anchor tenant for a community solar project.” 

Most of the companies surveyed for the report cited Inflation Reduction Act incentives as a driver of their expanded procurement of renewables. Most said they had no problem finding partners or institutional support for their plans. 

About half said high or volatile prices, expensive capital and internal financial constraints have limited procurements.  

About half said interconnection reforms, new community solar legislation and simpler tax credit monetization would help drive further investments. 

The report also indicates: 

    • Corporate procurement represents more than 18% of U.S. solar capacity. 
    • In 2023, 20% of solar installations had a corporate offtaker. 
    • Corporate involvement has become increasingly diversified, with growing interest in community solar, tax equity investment and microgrids. 
    • Expectations of increased demand and rising cost for electricity — and a desire to lock in supply and price — drive solar investment decisions. 
    • Big-box retailers and the largest tech firms dominate the rankings, but a range of other sectors are making inroads, including automaker General Motors, fast food icon McDonald’s and packaging manufacturer Smurfit Westrock. 
    • Rooftop commercial solar capacity has grown at a 12% compound annual growth rate for the past five years. It is an obvious choice for Target, Walmart, Amazon and other companies with large, flat-roofed facilities, and growth has continued despite rising costs, supply chain disruptions and other headwinds. 
    • Battery storage will be a key trend for corporate buyers, as states and utilities seek to add storage capacity to their grids. It is a versatile solution — No. 2 Kaiser Permanente, for example, is using its 115.6 MWAC of installed storage to form microgrids to make its medical facilities more resilient to outages, while No. 5 Starbucks is using its 10.5 MWAC for customer EV charging. 
    • Procurement plans are huge: The top 10 corporate buyers alone report a pipeline of 27.8 GWDC of solar, and the actual total is likely higher, as some pending projects are not disclosed. 

NJ Scrutinizes Solar Net Metering Strategy

New Jersey has launched a yearlong process to evaluate the effectiveness of its solar net-metering system and generate possible alternatives amid developer concerns that potential changes could hinder future project installation rather than stimulate it. 

The state Board of Public Utilities (BPU) outlined the evaluation plan in a two-hour online forum Nov. 19, during which consultants reviewed the state’s current system, evaluated options for change and provided insights into net-metering reform strategies adopted in New York, California and Illinois. 

The evaluation was triggered by the expansion in the amount of electricity produced by net metering. The state’s 2018 Clean Energy Act allows that when 5.8% of the total annual kilowatt-hours (KWh) sold in the state is net metered, the state can “cease offering net metering to customers that are not already net metered.” The state reached the threshold in the energy year that ended May 31, 2024. 

In response, the BPU launched a “robust stakeholder process” to develop an updated net-metering mechanism, according to the BPU announcement of the plan. 

The goal is partly to “provide certainty on compensation mechanisms going forward” and to “encourage economic efficiency and fair allocation of costs and benefits,” Sawyer Morgan, a project manager in the BPU’s clean energy division, said in the online forum. The policy also should “integrate with grid modernization, energy storage and demand response technologies” and provide support for a “strong solar industry.” 

Net metering refers to the way solar projects designed to generate electricity only for the user can send electricity into the grid if they create more power than the customer needs. With a utility paying for the electricity, the strategy can help the customer pay off the project investment. 

The agency seeks stakeholder policy proposals that will be presented and compared at a technical conference Jan. 21, 2025. From these, three policy options will be developed and a straw proposal released in June 2025, with a final report expected in November 2025. 

Solar Sector Goals

Fred DeSanti, executive director of the New Jersey Solar Energy Coalition, said the state needs to better define its vision for the new policy. 

“These are not really complimentary goals,” he said. “A lot of these are in conflict with one another, and I really think it’s important for the state to give us more specific guidance in terms of what’s more important in those goals, maybe ranking them or scoring them.” 

While the residential solar market is “doing well,” the “commercial sector is underperforming somewhat” and the state needs to give clarity in what its priorities are and evaluate the impact of any policies “based upon the anticipated consequences,” he said. 

“Because I think those consequences could be very, very significant,” he said. “Take a wrong step here and we could really undermine a lot of the good that’s been done.” 

Some of the handful of solar developers who spoke in the meeting expressed concern that the contribution of solar to the state would get lost in discussions on policy, especially if cost is emphasized. 

“This process shouldn’t be seen as a ‘let’s sharpen our pencils and figure the exact value of solar to the grid,’” said Andy Wall, a board member of the Mid-Atlantic Solar and Storage Industries Association. 

“We can’t lose sight of that fact. The purpose of net metering is to promote the willingness of New Jersey residents and businesses to host solar for the rest of us,” he said. 

Net Metering Reimbursement Calculations

New Jersey at present has 197,000 residential net-metered installations and 9,500 non-residential net metered installations, totaling 2,305 MW, with an annual generation of 4,600 GWh, according to the BPU. The state had a total installed solar capacity of 4.95 GW, in September as it aims for a goal of 12.2 GW of solar energy by 2030. 

The state’s focus on drafting a new program comes seven months after new compensation rules for solar net metering in California — known as Net Energy Metering 3.0 (NEM) — took effect. The rules cut the payments for net metered electricity from solar-only projects, in favor of solar and storage projects. A study by the California Solar and Storage Association (CALSSA) found that even before the rules took effect, they had triggered 17,000 solar sector job losses. (See Can US Maintain Record Solar, Clean Power Growth? ) 

Abe Silverman, a former BPU general counsel who now runs the Ralph O’Connor Sustainable Energy Institute at Johns Hopkins University, said New Jersey’s program is designed to bring order to the sector now that the 5.8% threshold has been reached. 

“I read this new proceeding as an opportunity for the board to hear from folks in an organized manner, rather than waiting for the utilities to come in and make a filing to change the net-metering rules, which could be chaotic and create uncertainty for solar developers,” he said in an interview with NetZero Insider. “It’s significantly better for developer certainty to have an active proceeding.”    

BPU officials said they’re considering three net metering mechanisms, the methods by which the amount of electricity sent to the grid is calculated and its value — and the payment by the utility — is established. 

In the first method, similar to traditional net metering, the customer’s electricity generation “rolls the meter back, offsets their consumption, regardless of when it occurs, and excess generation, and all generation, is basically compensated at the customer’s retail rate,” said Akhilesh Ramakrishnan, a project manager for The Brattle Group, which is working on the issue for the BPU. 

Under the second method, called Net Billing and the most commonly used of the three, the amount of electricity sent to the utility — exported — is measured. So too is the amount of additional electricity imported because the customer at a particular time hasn’t generated enough by solar, Ramakrishnan said. The electricity imported and exported each has its own rate, and the difference between the two is either charged or credited to the customer, he said. 

In the third method, Buy All, Sell All, the cost of all the electricity used by the customer is calculated, as is the cost of all the electricity generated, he said. Either the difference is paid by the customer, or they receive a credit if the amount generated exceeds the use. 

Consultants who studied the net metering reform efforts used by other states told the hearing that New York and California use a form of the Net Billing method, with different rates for electricity imports and exports. New York also added a surcharge to “attempt to reduce the amount of cost that’s being shifted from these customers to non-solar customers,” Ramakrishnan said.  

Preliminary studies show rooftop installations are lower in California after the state introduced NEM 3.0, but there were other factors at play — such as a rise in interest rates — that mean the impact of NEM 3.0 is unclear, he said. 

Illinois has developed a Buy All, Sell All system, he said. 

Ratepayer Costs

In New Jersey, the BPU said customers who already are net metered likely could continue as they are, but the agency still is studying the issue.   

Andrew Gold, assistant deputy rate counsel with the New Jersey Division of Rate Counsel, expressed concern about the burden on ratepayers. He said the state’s achievement of the 5.8% threshold “signals both the success of prior net-metering policy initiatives as well as the need to carefully consider next steps that could reform the net metering process in ways that continue to promote behind-the-meter solar generation, but at a much lower ratepayer cost.” 

Ratepayers have to pick up some of the costs of buying net-metered electricity, and also some generation, transmission and distribution fixed costs, which are not paid by the customer generating the power, he said. 

“This rate design often results in under recovery of these capacity costs by net metering residential ratepayers at other residential ratepayers’ expense,” he said. Reform can bring “tremendous opportunities for creating greater efficiencies and reducing ratepayer financial support costs for net metering systems, both legacy and new installations,” he added. 

Texas Now Wants to be No. 1 in Nuclear Power

AUSTIN, Texas — Not content with having the world’s eighth largest economy — bigger than Russia’s — along with being a global leader in crude oil production and home to more wind and solar energy than any other state, Texas has set its sights on dominating nuclear energy production as well.

Texas officials released a report Nov. 18, titled “Deploying a World-Renowned Advanced Nuclear Industry in Texas,” that lays out a path for the state to become a “global nuclear energy hub.”

”Texas is the energy capital of the world, and we are ready to be No. 1 in advanced nuclear power,” Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said in a statement. “By utilizing advanced nuclear energy, Texas will enhance the reliability of the state grid and provide affordable, dispatchable power to Texans across the state.”

The report was shepherded by Jimmy Glotfelty, a Public Utility Commission of Texas member and chair of the working group tasked with studying and planning for the use of advanced nuclear reactors (ANRs) in Texas. The report became public just before Glotfelty sat down for a fireside chat at the Nov. 18 Texas Nuclear Summit.

“The governor wants us to be No. 1. We’re No. 1 in wind, we’re No. 1 in solar, we’re No. 1 in oil production and gas production,” Glotfelty told his audience. “What’s next? Nuclear. That’s our challenge. That’s our challenge for the industrial sector. That’s our challenge for the power sector. That’s our challenge for the manufacturing sector, to be a part of this industry going forward.

“We hope this is a springboard to greater, bigger, better things in the nuclear space in Texas, and this is just the beginning,” Glotfelty said. “This is the end of the beginning, and we’ve got a lot more work to do in the future.”

Texas Nuclear Alliance President Reed Clay, the summit’s host, said the state’s leadership has laid the groundwork for “immense, unmatched nuclear potential to chart a bold path forward.”

“The importance of nuclear energy to the state’s future energy needs and for the continuation of the Texas miracle cannot be overstated,” Clay said.

Texas has only four reactors at two sites, Comanche Peak near Fort Worth and the South Texas Project south of Houston, which provide over 5 GW of energy between them. However, both plants each have room for two more reactors.

But the interest in nuclear power is there, given the projections of 8% load growth. Texas A&M University has asked the Nuclear Regulatory Commission for an early site permit that would allow up to five 10- to 200-MW reactors to be built on its campus, making it the country’s first higher education institution with a commercial nuclear reactor site license.

The NRC in September gave Abilene Christian University approval to build and test a 1-MW ANR that will be cooled by molten salt. Along the Gulf Coast, Dow Chemical and X-energy plan to develop four gas-cooled ANRs at a large chemical plant; it has already been selected for up to $50 million in federal funding but does not yet have regulatory approval.

‘Not Chernobyl’

In a message to Abbott included in the report, Glotfelty said economics and federal licensing timeframes — “neither of which the state can directly change” — are the “fundamental challenges” to achieving the state’s objectives. However, he said the working group made seven recommendations to “prove up the state’s role as a regulatory and economic leader in this new innovative technology.”

The recommendations target critical industry issues in Texas, and most will require legislative solutions:

    • Advanced nuclear authority.
    • Nuclear permitting officer.
    • Workforce development program.
    • Advanced manufacturing institute.
    • Nuclear public outreach program.
    • Nuclear energy and supply chain fund.
    • Nuclear energy fund.

The group foresees the advanced nuclear authority as a state agency to be the “tip of the spear” in providing a voice for the nuclear industry. The nuclear permitting officer would guide interested companies through the permitting process while workforce programs would train the next generation of nuclear employees, from the engineer down to the “most important welder,” Glotfelty said.

“Our state has the ability to do it,” he said. “We do it for other types of projects, and we will do it for the nuclear space as well.”

The team also proposed a nuclear energy fund that would offer low-interest loans to developers, similar to the $10 billion Texas Energy Fund. Glotfelty said while he wishes the government didn’t have to help fund the industry, state money will be involved “because we’re competing with 50 other states.” He said the state’s $20 billion surplus, fueled by its oil and gas industry, provides an opportunity.

“We’re helping reduce the front-end cost by putting state dollars at work,” Glotfelty said.

The Texas Legislature’s biennial session runs from Jan. 14 to June 2.

Then comes the hard part, Glotfelty said. While public opinion has softened on nuclear power since the 1980s, it hasn’t reached the acceptance that wind and solar energy have.

“We’ve got to have coordinated effort to help people understand that Texas is not Chernobyl, that nuclear is not Three Mile Island and Fukushima,” Glotfelty said.

“This end of the beginning is the report. Writing is done. Now it’s the communicating,” he added. “It’s communicating with everybody at the local level. It’s communicating with everybody in the legislature. It’s communicating with your supply chain. It’s communicating the fact that we want to build things here in Texas.”

NYPA Urged to Do More in New Renewables Role

ALBANY, N.Y. — The New York Power Authority should do more with its new ability to develop renewable power, clean energy advocates say. 

NYPA in October issued a draft strategic plan to develop or partner on development of 40 new solar, wind and storage projects totaling 3.5 GW of capacity, and said the early stage projects among this first tranche likely would experience an 80 to 85% attrition rate. (See NYPA Enters Renewable Development with 3.5-GW Plan.) 

Advocates who fought for years to secure the new powers of development have been disappointed. They want a 15-GW road map with less attrition. They have been mounting a campaign to sway public opinion and are speaking out at hearings as NYPA conducts a statewide listening tour before finalizing its strategic plan. 

The final plan must be delivered to the governor and Legislature by Jan. 31, 2025. 

Public Power NY plans a demonstration outside a Nov. 20 hearing in Manhattan, and members of the coalition spoke at a Nov. 18 hearing in Albany. 

Public Power NY Co-Chair Patrick Robbins remarked about the recent wildfires in the Hudson Valley — a region whose woodlands usually see abundant rainfall but now are experiencing an extended drought and a wave of fires, which are rare in living memory. 

“In a few months, we’re looking at a reactionary federal administration,” Robbins said. “We need the New York Power Authority to come up with a plan that meets this moment. 

“The plan contains just over 3 GW of renewable energy capacity when we know that NYPA would need to build five times this amount in order for New York to meet our legally mandated renewable energy electricity targets.” 

Mark Schaeffer is a longtime advocate who helped push for the state’s Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act — the CLCPA, the landmark 2019 law that codified many of the carbon-reduction targets the state now is trying to meet.  

He keyed in on one word in the law’s title: “I emphasize the word ‘leadership’ because the state must lead,” he said. “This is an affluent, progressive state in a wealthy country disproportionately responsible for greenhouse gases, and the federal government has now become part of the problem.” 

State Assemblywoman Sarahana Shrestha (D), whose Hudson Valley district includes areas affected by wildfires, floods and other problems blamed on climate change, also called for NYPA to aim higher — at least 15 GW. 

The state has been relying on private sector development to reach its renewable development goals and has seen extensive attrition due to local and global cost escalation, delays and New York’s cumbersome regulatory and permitting processes. 

The state now projects 43% renewable energy by 2030, Shresta said — far short of the 70% mandate in the CLCPA. (See NY Expects to Miss 2030 Renewable Energy Target.) 

“NYPA was supposed to fix this,” she said to audience applause. “Only a public entity like NYPA can absorb the risks and costs that would help smaller projects go online — projects that may not make a profit but greatly help to meet people’s needs.” 

This is at the center of the vision behind the Build Public Renewables Act, the measure that empowered NYPA to take a role in development: Democratize electric power, cut out the profit motive, push fossil fuels out of the picture and let the people of New York enjoy the ecological and financial rewards. 

But the enabling legislation also directed NYPA to take on added costs: expand its workforce training efforts, retire its gas-fired peakers and help fund a new utility bill rebate for low-income New Yorkers. 

The law did not change the fact that New York is one of the slowest and most expensive states to build electric infrastructure and has a strong home-rule tradition that can delay or kill projects.  

Two stalwart renewable energy supporters representing the Capital Region in the state Assembly, Democrats Patricia Fahy and John McDonald, both voiced support for NYPA and for its expanded mission at the hearing. But both also raised a warning about costs. 

“Let’s be clear — and unfortunately, the recent elections demonstrate that — there are concerns [among] the public with [regard] to affordability, which should not be lost on anybody,” McDonald said. 

Clean, sustainable, reliable, resilient and affordable are the guiding principles, he added. “Sounds easy, but it is not. But I am confident.” 

If a strong vision by the state’s leaders and hard work by the state government managers were all that mattered, the state might be much closer to its clean-energy goals, and it might not have to create a new mission for the power authority Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt signed into existence in 1931. 

But a slow interconnection queue, a long review process, local opposition and global macroeconomic factors have caused a high rate of attrition in proposed or contracted projects. 

NYISO’s 2024 Load & Capacity Data Report offers a sobering view: After a decade of promoting solar and wind power development, New York ended 2023 with 255 MW of solar and 2,454 MW of wind capacity installed in front of the meter out of a total statewide capability ranging by season from 37.4 to 39.7 GW. 

Further, front-of-meter solar and wind respectively contributed just 230 and 4,893 GWh of the state’s 124,153 GWh net energy production in 2023.  

(Distributed solar is faring better in New York, surpassing 6 GW installed capacity in October, but it, too, has a low capacity factor.) 

‘Learning Curve’

So the advocates are right: New York has a long way to go in its clean energy transition. 

In 2023, NYPA created a new position to lead the new role it was given — vice president of renewable project development — and appointed Vennela Yadhati to the role. (See NYPA Names Exec to Head New Renewable Development Effort.) 

She has been opening NYPA’s hearings with an overview of the draft plan and the larger picture it would fit into. She does not take questions or respond to comments, as it is a listening tour rather than a discussion, but she spoke to NetZero Insider about some of the concerns raised. 

The 2023 law expanding NYPA’s role — which was opposed by private-sector developers — does not shift the task of decarbonizing New York’s grid from the private sector to the public sector, Yadhati said. Rather, it adds NYPA as another piece of the solution. 

“We do realize our position to be now one of the several hundreds of players in a very mature market,” she said. “So that’s where we have a learning curve. But we’re learning from our partners as we develop this.” 

She added: “The legislation does not have a minimum threshold or anything for the capacity or time frame goal that we need to be hitting. It is for NYPA to participate and continue to support the state’s goals, as we have been doing.” 

Yadhati pushed back on the suggestion that NYPA — an entity under state control but self-funded separately from the state budget — has extensive access to cheap capital to build 15 GW of renewables at low cost thanks to its high bond rating. 

NYPA’s strong rating is based on it choosing its projects carefully, she said. “That’s where our approach needs to be very balanced and very strategic.” 

NYPA does have a history of achievement: It is the largest state entity of its kind, it operates more than 1,550 circuit-miles of transmission, it built some of the nation’s largest hydropower and pumped hydro storage plants, and it built one of the state’s nuclear power plants. 

The draft renewables plan calls for 10 solar projects totaling 200 MW that NYPA would develop on its own and 30 solar, storage and wind projects totaling 3.2 GW that NYPA would partner with private developers to build. 

This first tranche does seem modest, particularly given the 80 to 85% attrition rate expected for early-stage proposals and the 30 to 60% rate projected for more mature proposals. 

But it is only the first tranche, Yadhati said. 

ISO-NE Details Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold Metrics

ISO-NE’s Regional Energy Shortfall Threshold (REST) will rely on a pair of metrics intended to capture the intensity and duration of energy shortfall risks in extreme weather scenarios, the RTO told the NEPOOL Reliability Committee on Nov. 19. 

The REST project is an effort to define an acceptable threshold for ISO-NE’s seasonal risk modeling, which will use the RTO’s newly developed probabilistic energy adequacy tool (PEAT). ISO-NE plans to use the REST to evaluate whether additional actions will be needed to support system reliability ahead of winter and summer seasons. 

The modeling features a “multiday rolling-horizon economic dispatch,” which includes both preventive and corrective measures from the RTO and incorporates generator opportunity costs. (See ISO-NE Boosts Energy Adequacy Modeling Capabilities.) 

In the seasonal outlook for the upcoming winter — which marks ISO-NE’s first time using the PEAT in a seasonal analysis — the RTO’s modeling found manageable shortfall risks. (See ISO-NE Sees Manageable Shortfall Risk for Upcoming Winter.) In the future, the REST and its associated metrics are intended to help standardize this evaluation. 

To assess the magnitude of shortfall risks, ISO-NE plans to calculate the normalized unserved energy (NUE), defined as total shortfall relative to demand, over the most extreme 72-hour cases identified by the model. This will indicate what percentage of load would experience shortfall in the low-probability events identified. 

To evaluate shortfall duration, the RTO will calculate the length of the most extreme scenarios, looking beyond the 72-hour window used to calculate intensity. 

Mike Knowland, manager of operations forecast and scheduling for ISO-NE, said the duration and magnitude metrics will complement each other and are both “critical metrics for assessing energy adequacy risk under extreme conditions.” He added that ISO-NE “is still evaluating how best to incorporate these two metrics into its REST proposal.” 

ISO-NE still is taking feedback on the proposed metrics, and it plans to continue stakeholder discussions on the proposal through January or February of 2025. Once the metrics are established, the RTO plans to present an initial proposal on risk thresholds in March or April. 

The establishment of the REST directly relates to how much the region is willing to spend to limit the potential reliability effects of low-probability weather events, and it could raise tough questions about the tradeoffs between reliability, affordability and decarbonization. ISO-NE has indicated it expects the states to play a major role in establishing this threshold. 

NECEC Agreements

Also at the RC, ISO-NE reviewed the Transmission Operating Agreement and Interconnection Operators Agreement for the New England Clean Energy Connect (NECEC) transmission line.  

The 1,200-MW line was solicited by Massachusetts and would facilitate additional imports from Hydro-Québec. Avangrid, the project developer, recently indicated the line has a best-case in-service date of January 2026. (See Avangrid Sues NextEra over ‘Scorched-earth Scheme’ to Stop NECEC.) 

ISO-NE plans to file the agreements with FERC in the first half of 2025 and seeks an advisory vote from the RC on the interconnection agreement, as well as a vote from the NEPOOL Transmission Committee on the transmission agreement.  

The TOA between ISO-NE and NECEC would give the RTO operating authority over the line, which includes responsibility for generation dispatch, real-time balancing, establishing operating limits and exchanging transmission security information to the relevant parties. 

The agreement also includes “a standard ‘grandfathered agreements’ provision,” which includes rights of Massachusetts’ electric distribution companies to receive power from the line, ISO-NE said. These rights can be overridden by “short-term reliability actions.” 

The interconnection agreement between Hydro-Québec and ISO-NE governs the “coordinated operation and scheduling of energy and ancillary services,” emergency energy exchanges, outage scheduling and the “treatment of inadvertent interchange.” 

While the NECEC contracts between Massachusetts’ EDCs and Hydro-Québec are intended to facilitate the one-way flow of power from Canada to the U.S., the line will be capable of sending power in both directions, ISO-NE said. This will allow for emergency south-to-north transmission, although the system impact of these flows still needs to be studied, the RTO added. 

The RC is scheduled to vote on the interconnection agreement in January 2025. 

Planning Procedure for Data Collection

Steven Judd, ISO-NE manager of resource adequacy and accreditation, outlined the RTO’s proposal for a new planning procedure (PP-14) focused on generator data reporting requirements, which is intended “to provide structure and guidance for lead market participants responsible for reporting monthly data.” 

“This procedure will describe the data submission timelines, reporting requirements and validation processes for the required data,” Judd said. He added that standardizing the reporting requirements and guidelines will help ensure system reliability. 

The RC will vote on the proposal in January 2025. 

NERC Files ITCS to FERC, Meeting Congress’ Deadline

NERC has filed the final draft of the Interregional Transfer Capability Study (ITCS) with FERC, wrapping up the ERO’s portion of the task set out by Congress in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 ahead of the December deadline.

The ERO submitted the ITCS on Nov. 19, NERC Director of Reliability Assessments and Performance Analysis John Moura said in a webinar the same day. Next, FERC will post the report for a public comment period; Moura said the starting date and duration of the comment period have not been set.

Following the comment period the commission will submit recommendations for statutory changes, if any, to Congress.

Submitting the ITCS is a “milestone in our ongoing efforts to enhance reliability across” the continent’s electric grid, Moura said. The FRA, passed in June 2023, ordered NERC to work “in consultation with” the regional entities and transmitting utilities to submit the study to FERC by December 2024, leaving the ERO less than 18 months to complete an unprecedented task.

Using a favorite comparison, Moura reminded listeners that “Congress has only asked NERC and the ERO to do two things in our entire history: form ourselves back in 2005 under the … Energy Policy Act, but also to do this study.” As a result, he said, NERC saw ITCS as “on par” in terms of importance with its own charter.

The study comprises three parts, aligning with each major objective set by Congress. Part 1, released in August in draft form, contained an analysis of transfer capabilities between transmission planning regions in North America. The second and third parts were released earlier in November; they provide, respectively, recommendations for prudent additions to transfer capability that could strengthen grid reliability and recommendations to meet and maintain total transfer capability. (See NERC Releases Final ITCS Draft Installments.)

While these components focus on the U.S. grid, Moura said NERC concluded early on that “you really cannot have a credible study without including Canada.” Now that the congressional mandate has been achieved, the ERO will complete an additional installment covering transfer capabilities and prudent additions from the U.S. to Canada and between Canadian provinces. NERC plans to release the fourth installment in the first quarter of 2025.

Meeting the FRA’s requirements posed considerable challenges for NERC, Moura said. To start with, while the ERO previously conducted regional studies of transfer capability, it never had attempted to do so across the entire grid and never incorporated the efforts of transmission utilities to this extent. The congressional mandate provided NERC with an opportunity to stretch itself and build capabilities for collaboration that will be useful in future studies, Moura said.

Another difficulty was defining the scope of the study. The FRA described its goals in broad terms but, as Moura explained, narrowing the requirements to a workable framework took some effort.

“We didn’t find ‘prudent’ in our engineering textbooks, so we really had to understand, what is Congress asking us?” Moura said. “The way NERC thinks about ‘prudent’ is really laser-focused around reliability. And so prudent for reliability is what this study is all about. We don’t look at economics, we don’t look at cost-benefit between different projects or different approaches. We’re strictly looking at this challenge from a reliability perspective and remediating the reliability impacts that we see out into the future.”

Markets+ ‘Alert’ Covers CAISO’s Dual Roles as Market Operator, BA

CAISO will be inherently compromised in its role as an operator of a deeper Western market because of its conflicting responsibilities as balancing authority within that market, a group of entities that support SPP’s Markets+ over the ISO’s Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM) argue in their latest “issue alert.” 

“An organized market that lacks a fully impartial market operator exposes its participants to shifts in hundreds of millions of dollars of economic value, shifts in reliability risk and shifts in environmental benefits because of the actions that the market operator takes or does not take,” the “joint authors” wrote in the Nov. 14 alert, the sixth in a series of seven such pieces touting the benefits of Markets+. 

The contributors include Arizona Public Service, Chelan County PUD, Grant County PUD, Powerex, Public Service Company of Colorado, Salt River Project, Snohomish PUD, Tacoma Power, Tri-State Generation and Transmission Association and Tucson Electric Power — all of whom helped fund the Phase 1 development stage of Markets+. 

The latest alert is possibly the most technically complex because it focuses on the multi-layered processes CAISO uses to manage operations in its real-time Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM), which has grown to cover more than 80% of load in the Western Interconnection since being launched in 2014. 

“Over the past decade, in its [emphasis theirs] commingled roles as a balancing authority, transmission service provider and market operator, the California ISO has taken a range of actions and operational decisions for the benefit of the California ISO’s Balancing Authority Area and/or transmission service territory that significantly impact market outcomes for all participants,” the authors write. 

In an email to RTO Insider, CAISO spokesperson Anne Gonzales said the ISO is “proud of the integrity and transparency with which we have managed our multiple responsibilities and the many trusting partnerships we have built with balancing authorities, policymakers and other stakeholders across the West” in operating the WEIM. 

CAISO’s dual roles in the WEIM have become a recurring point of debate in the competition between Markets+ and the EDAM, particularly in discussions around the Bonneville Power Administration’s day-ahead market participation decision process. (See Rising Tensions Evident at BPA Day-ahead Markets Workshop.)  

In the Nov. 14 alert, the joint authors zero in on four complaints from the Markets+ camp regarding CAISO’s operational practices in the WEIM. 

Load Conformance

The first of those complaints deals with the WEIM market process known as “load bias” or “load conformance,” which allows a BA to adjust its demand forecast in the hour-ahead scheduling process (HASP) and 15-minute market (FMM) to better position itself for a real-time interval. 

The alert contends that as a BA in the WEIM, CAISO has a history of making unusually large upward adjustments to its demand forecasts during morning and evening peak hours “to acquire flexible capacity through additional energy imports rather than explicitly purchasing flexible capacity itself.” 

The authors say that while load conformance is available to all WEIM participants, CAISO’s “very large and systemic upward-load biasing” for its territory “appears to be unique.” 

As an example, the alert points to a period during a July 2023 heat wave in which CAISO’s average load bias in the FMM during the evening peak was about 1,800 MW but reached as high as 5,000 MW.   

“This is a continuation of an ongoing pattern of load biasing for the California ISO service area that first began in 2017,” the alert argues. It adds that “consistently intervening in the WEIM through manual operator adjustments that do not reflect actual system conditions” is likely to increase production costs and market prices in ways that don’t reflect marginal costs, while signaling that market design elements such as the WEIM’s Resource Sufficiency Evaluation (RSE) and flexible ramping product are inadequate to ensure reliability. 

The authors also point to a previous statement by CAISO staff that load conformance is “significantly used” by the HASP and FMM “to position resources and secure additional intertie capacity.” But in a 2022 analysis that examined the issue, CAISO said it found “no evidence that load conformance causes a one-to-one increase” in WEIM transfers into the ISO.  

It also found that use of load conformance does not improve CAISO’s ability to pass the WEIM bid range capacity and flexible ramping tests, but instead reduces the ISO’s ramp capability, making it more difficult to pass the flexible ramping test.  

“The concern that load conformance could create more headroom on CAISO resources by unloading internal resources with increasing transfers was not validated,” the ISO said. 

In an interview with RTO Insider, CAISO Director of Market Analysis and Forecasting Guillermo Bautista Alderete said the load conformance actions cited in the alert actually comes with a cost for the ISO. 

Alderete said when CAISO applies load conformance in the HASP, FMM or real time, it effectively increases the ISO’s demand requirement. 

“That has an effect that is going to dispatch supply up, and the consequence is that the prices are going to reflect that,” he said. “So when we clear the real-time market, the clearing prices are already reflecting the need — that we have asked for additional requirements to clear. It doesn’t come for free, because now the CAISO area — CAISO load — has to pay higher prices because of the consequence of having this load conformance,” which also translates into higher prices paid to exporters into the ISO. 

WEIM Transfers

The alert’s second complaint refers to CAISO’s blocking of WEIM transfers “to support California’s reliability.” The alert points specifically to a period over July-November 2023 when the CAISO BAA blocked import transfers from the WEIM in the HASP and FMM — but not in real-time — during net peak load hours.  

As the authors note, CAISO’s Department of Market Monitoring (DMM) later said “the transfer limitation had the intended effect of increasing hourly block imports into the CAISO area and decreasing hourly block exports out of the CAISO area to protect reliability during peak net load hours in late July through mid-August.” 

The DMM also determined the practice “created a significant, systematic modeling difference between the 15-minute and five-minute markets, which impacted market results in several ways,” including increasing congestion into the CAISO area from other WEIM areas in the FMM compared with the real-time market, lowering the WEIM’s FMM prices relative to real time in the Desert Southwest and reducing the amount of energy that could be scheduled out of the Southwest in the HASP and FMM. 

“While causing adverse consequences across the market footprint, these California ISO operator actions may not have been effective at enhancing reliability in the California ISO’s service area, as DMM found that ‘[u]nder most conditions, it seems that limiting transfers would not provide significant reliability benefits, but would have negative market impacts,” the alert notes. 

The joint authors expressed concern that the import limits continued even after initial reliability concerns of late July and early August had passed and by “a lack of transparency” that they were even occurring, saying the first mention by CAISO was in mid-September almost two months after they began. 

In a May 2024 presentation to the CAISO Board of Governors and Western Energy Markets Governing Body, the ISO explained that the ISO started the limits after large volumes of WEIM transfers scheduled in the HASP began failing to materialize in real time. 

Alderete said a “key piece of information that is typically neglected” is that CAISO was attempting to reduce its reliance on WEIM imports in response to the market behavior. 

“We were limiting ourselves to not rely too much on the EIM transfers because from the operational point of view, we wanted to be as clear as possible [about] how much internal supply we could have available to meet our own needs. We were insulating ourselves — basically isolating ourselves — from the rest of the EIM market,” he said.   

Alderete said the ISO ceased the practice in November 2023 after it fixed three market issues, including inaccurate display of dispatchable capability in the WEIM, scheduling and tagging processes that allowed participants to ignore export reduction and inconsistent treatment of intertie transactions among BA that increased congestion.  

“Limiting the transfers is one of the tools that any balancing area participating in the market has, including … CAISO. We are not the first one to use it; we are not the only one using it,” he said. 

‘Limited Transparency’

The alert reprises another common contention by Markets+ supporters: that CAISO can’t be trusted to fairly manage the WEIM’s Resource Sufficiency Evaluation (RSE), which is the market test run ahead of every delivery interval to ensure all participants are making enough capacity available to avoid leaning on the market to meet their energy needs. 

They contend that WEIM participants have “limited transparency” into CAISO’s specific inputs and calculations when applying the RSE, which was “routinely failing to identify instances in which” CAISO’s own area didn’t have sufficient resources. 

“Even in hours that the California ISO declared an energy emergency, such as during the August 2020 and September 2022 heat events, the RSE still frequently allowed the California ISO area to ‘pass’ the RSE,” the authors say. 

This points to a larger problem with the RSE, according to the authors: that a resource-deficient WEIM participant is allowed to continue importing the amount of energy it was importing during a previous interval in which is passed the test, without facing an additional financial penalty. They say the rule is “uniquely beneficial” for CAISO because, unlike other WEIM entities, “it typically begins importing large quantities from the rest of the WEIM in the hours leading up to the afternoon peak, driven in part by the large quantity of upward load bias applied by CAISO operators.” 

“This is very different from other WEIM entities that are often importing very little (or even exporting) immediately prior to an RSE failure. Those entities face much more significant limitations on their ability to access WEIM imports without financial penalty,” the alert says. 

Alderete countered that RSE rules apply in a uniform way to every BA across the WEIM, including CAISO, and that the ISO has been “very transparent about the design features of that model” and has in recent years undertaken a series of stakeholder policy initiatives to refine the mechanism. 

He also said it was “misleading” to contend CAISO faces no financial penalties for failing the RSE, adding that the ISO soon will publish an analysis showing how it did incur such penalties during the past summer.  

Congestion Rent Debate Continues

The alert concludes with criticism of CAISO’s treatment of congestion revenue rights (CRR) in its market, a subject that became a kind of proxy for the debate between Markets+ and EDAM supporters after a January 2024 cold snap triggered energy emergency alerts in BAs throughout the Northwest because of supply shortages. (See NW Cold Snap Dispute Reflects Divisions over Western Markets.)  

During that event, the authors note, CAISO collected high transmission congestion rents on power flowing across the Pacific AC Intertie (PACI), which is jointly operated by CAISO and entities in the Northwest, but distributed congestion revenues it collected only to its own participants and CRR holders. 

“[T]he coordinated physical capability of the multi-state transfer path is modeled by the California ISO using a ‘scheduling constraint’ that is applied as a limitation on the quantity of energy that can be imported into or exported out of California,” the alert states. “California ISO’s choice to model the coordinated limit of the overall multi-state transfer path as a limitation ‘inside’ the California ISO ensures the congestion revenue associated with the overall multi-state path is collected and allocated back to [sic] exclusively to customers of the California ISO.” 

The authors say a “similar dynamic” of rent allocation has played out during summer heat waves when CAISO has imported power from the Northwest. 

CAISO contested the Markets+ supporters’ assessment practices during a CRR “myth-busting” presentation to the WEIM’s Regional Issues Forum in September. (See CAISO Seeks to Dispel CRR ‘Myths’ Around January Cold Snap.)  

And in his interview with RTO Insider, Alderete repeated an argument CAISO has raised previously: that the ISO is the only day-ahead market that provides a market solution to manage congestion, which occurs only south of the “constraint.” 

“There is no price signal for doing congestion management in the other northern part of the constraint. That is the problem when you don’t have a market on the other side. There is no mechanism to be able to dispatch, to move resources, to [do] price congestion. All that is basically manually done,” he said. 

The joint authors’ seventh and final issue alert will cover “durable customer benefits.” 

NYISO Board Approves RNA, 2025 Budget

The NYISO Board of Directors announced at the Liaison Subcommittee meeting Nov. 19 that it approved the ISO’s 2025 budget and incentive goals. (See NYISO Updates Stakeholders on Budget, 2025 Goals.)

The board also approved two items that have been the subject of intense discussion between stakeholders and NYISO this year: the 2025-2029 Demand Curve Reset and the 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment. (See NYISO Management Committee Passes 2024 Reliability Needs Assessment.)

The board was asked whether it discussed the issue of the RNA’s finding that expected large, “flexible” loads, primarily cryptocurrency mining facilities, would eliminate an initially projected statewide capacity shortfall. Several stakeholders had expressed skepticism about that as the RNA made its way through the committees.

Chair Joseph Oates said the board had “engaged” on that topic, but he did not divulge further details. Oates also said some changes to the DCR that came out of stakeholder oral arguments had been reviewed and considered.

“We can’t share what we changed; you’ll see when we actually make the filing,” he said. Those will come later this month.

Counterflow: Grid Apocalypse Not

I was minding my own business the other day when The Wall Street Journal ran a special section with the lead article “Five Ways to Disaster-Proof the Energy Grid.”

The article starts out claiming that recent extreme weather has pushed the “aging, overtaxed” grid to its limits, with outages “wreaking havoc on homeowners and businesses.” The alleged culprit is climate change, which is said to get worse.

Flawed Evidence

Steve Huntoon

The only empirical evidence given for these claims is data from the Climate Central organization purporting to show that widespread power outages have doubled from the early 2000s to the period 2014-2023. The problem with this data is that — per Climate Central itself in an earlier report — stricter Energy Information Administration (EIA) reporting requirements were widely implemented after 2003, so the years 2000-2003 must be disregarded in order to have apples to apples. If one looks at Climate Central’s data for the 10-year period 2004-2013 and compares it with the 10-year period 2014-2023, the average number of outages goes from 78 per year to 91 per year. Not much difference.

An authoritative data source not mentioned by the Journal is the EIA, which has reported average annual hours of outage (aka interruption) per electricity customer from 2013 to 2022. That chart is reprinted here. The bottom part of each column shows the average outage hours without major events (principally weather); these basically are unchanged over 10 years, which suggests the grid is not “aging” and “overtaxed.” My past articles disproving Chicken Little claims about the grid are here and here.

The top part of each column adds the average hours with major events (principally weather). The trend seems up, but not dramatically so.

And let’s put the average 5.5 hours of customer outage in 2022 in perspective. That’s 99.94% reliability (5.5 divided by 8,760). Not “wreaking havoc” on customers — contrary to the Journal’s claim.

Wrong Target

Credibility doesn’t improve with the Journal’s suggested ways to “disaster-proof the grid.” For starters, anyone who wants to know anything about “disaster-proofing the grid” should consult experts at NERC, the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the national laboratories.

The experts would explain that more than 90% of customer outages originate on local distribution systems, not the transmission/generation bulk power system (BPS). This is important because all of the Journal’s suggested ways to “disaster-proof the grid” are exclusively or predominantly tied to the BPS. Thus, even if they were sensible (which they’re not, per below), they would have a negligible effect on customer outages.

Now, let’s look at each one individually.

Artificial Intelligence

The Journal’s first suggested way to “disaster-proof the grid” is (of course) AI, which is said to enable better predictions to help better plan for extreme weather. My favorite example is replacing copper wiring with fiber-optic cable at substations vulnerable to flooding. The story says fiber-optic cable is “more resilient to saltwater and can be replaced more quickly if need be.”

Minor problem: Fiber-optic cable does not conduct electricity. Oops!

By the way, if anything will “overtax” the grid, it will be AI. How ironic.


Moving on, the Journal’s second way to “disaster-proof the grid” is “bolstering batteries.” Right. I’ve explained why batteries are an incredibly profligate way to provide carbon-free reliability. In May I estimated the annual costs of covering renewable droughts in a carbon-free California relative to other no/low carbon options:

    • Long-duration battery storage: $23.9 billion
    • Gas plants with carbon credits: $1.1 billion
    • Gas plants with CCS credits: $1.6 billion
    • Gas plants with CCS retrofit: $4.4 billion

See the difference?


The Journal’s third suggested way is microgrids. As I explained nine years ago, microgrids ignore the incredible efficiency of grid integration. The latest, greatest microgrid is an incredible waste of Commonwealth Edison customers’ money.

Microgrids at U.S. military bases actually reduce national security by substituting microgrids for building-specific backup generation that — unlike a base microgrid — is not vulnerable to distribution-level outages (which make up 87% of all base outages) and cybersecurity threats.

Advanced Conductors

The fourth way given is “better, stronger transmission lines.” Yes, we’ve known for years that reconductoring with advanced conductors can increase transmission capacity on existing lines, and I’ve been a fan. But the various options come with their own varying characteristics (such as “rated breaking strength”), as this report shows. Could they somehow “disaster-proof” the grid or even the BPS? No way.

Demand Response

The fifth way given is “controlling demand,” aka demand response. Demand response is best understood as a counterpart to generation resources — reducing demand on command is the flip side of increasing generation on command. Yes, of course, economic demand response should be implemented, just like all economic resources that can be called upon when needed. But DR can no more “disaster-proof the grid” than other dispatchable resources.

The irony is that those ostensibly concerned with grid reliability want to eliminate dispatchable generation resources (gas, oil, coal), thereby enabling, rather than avoiding, future disasters.

OK, I’ll stop ranting.

Columnist Steve Huntoon, a former president of the Energy Bar Association, has practiced energy law for more than 30 years.