October 25, 2024

BNEF Summit Focuses on Financing Energy Transition, Fast and Slow

NEW YORK — Global investment in the energy transition grew 17% to more than $1.7 trillion in 2023 — a new high, BloombergNEF CEO Jon Moore told a standing-room-only audience at the opening session of the BNEF Summit on April 16.  

Unfortunately, those topline figures aren’t “where we need to be,” Moore said. 

“We need to be two-and-a-half times that number, so we need to be investing more on an annual basis than we are today, and that goes up to $6.5 [trillion] and $7.5 trillion in the subsequent decades,” the 2030s and 2040s, respectively, he said. “So, we really do need big numbers here.” 

Finding new ways to get more investors to put more of their money into clean energy technologies — especially the startups providing new solutions to critical challenges — was a major focus of the two-day BNEF Summit. Moore’s opening remarks provided a high-level perspective on the transition, which, at present, is moving both fast and slow, he said. 

Following Moore, David Crane, under secretary for infrastructure at the Department of Energy, drilled down into how looming predictions for demand growth could affect the existing momentum and financing of the transition. 

DOE Under Secretary for Infrastructure David Crane (left) speaks with Thomas Rowlands-Rees, BNEF head of North America research, at the BNEF Summit in New York. | © RTO Insider LLC

Among sectors moving fast, Moore noted the lion’s share of new investment is streaming toward renewable energy, electric transportation and power grids, a category that has taken off in the past four years. Global investment in passenger electric vehicles (EVs) was up 36% in 2023, investment in energy storage jumped 77%, and investment in carbon capture and storage (CCS) nearly doubled, Moore said.  

Europe — specifically the Netherlands — is the main driver in CCS, with its Porthos project to store carbon dioxide emissions from oil and gas plants in depleted gas wells more than 1.8 miles down in the North Sea. Moore also zeroed in on global investments in solar, where he said “there is now enough [projected] solar capacity to support us where we need to be at net zero at 2030. … So we actually don’t need any more,” though installations will continue at a slower pace. 

Investments in battery factories are also running ahead of projected demand, though not to the same extent as solar, he said. 

But Moore also cautioned that exponential increases in global investment will be needed for some technologies. While investment in renewables, storage, the grid and EVs will need to increase two to three times by 2030, investment in hydrogen must jump sixfold, nuclear almost ninefold and CCS a whopping 45-fold.  

Overall, he said, investment in clean energy supply is close to but has yet to surpass fossil fuel investments. In 2023, clean power supplies drew in $1,023 billion versus $1,098 billion for fossil fuels.  

Looking at the global stock taking at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties in the United Arab Emirates last year, BNEF is ranking climate progress overall at 3.8 out of 10, Moore said.  

BNEF CEO Jon Moore | © RTO Insider LLC

“If you added up all the [nationally determined contributions] and everyone achieved what they said they wanted to achieve by 2030, we would reduce CO2 emissions by 5.3%,” he said, well below what will be needed to limit climate change to the 1.5 to 2 degrees Celsius set in the 2015 Paris Agreement.  

The uncertainty surrounding the U.S. presidential election in November — and its impact on U.S. energy and climate policies — could be multiplied by upcoming elections in other countries, Moore said. India’s seven-phase parliamentary elections kick off on April 19 and continue through June 1.  

Countries representing “two-thirds of global GDP” will have elections this year, he said. 

‘Bursting at the Seams’

In the U.S., unprecedented federal investments in clean energy provided by the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and the Inflation Reduction Act have slammed into concerns about unprecedented demand growth, Crane said in an on-stage conversation with Thomas Rowlands-Rees, BNEF head of North America research. 

“Our world is now bursting at the seams,” Crane said. From 2012 to 2022, demand growth was mostly flat and steady at about 0.5% per year, he said, but now “people are talking about 5 or 6% per year. … In the energy world, those are big numbers.” 

The result is that “we’re solving for two different demand problems simultaneously,” Crane said: incremental demand growth from electrification of buildings and transportation, and the “big chunks” of new demand from data centers. 

“With this data center thing, and the high-tech companies that are driving that, we need them to become energy companies because they have so many ways they could work with us,” he said. 

Many of the projects Crane oversees at DOE, such as the hydrogen and carbon capture hubs, were intended to get first-of-a-kind projects online in the 2020s, to be followed by commercialization and scaling to help reach President Joe Biden’s goal of a decarbonized grid by 2035, he said. 

BNEF projects clean energy investments will have to increase close to threefold by 2030 to get to net zero by 2050. | BloombergNEF

“But this demand [growth] thing seems to be a 2025-to-2030 thing, so we have to look at what we can do in a short period,” Crane said. He pointed to the new Pathways to Commercial Liftoff report on the deployment of innovative grid technologies like advanced conductors and dynamic line ratings, released April 16. (See DOE Report Highlights Benefits of Advanced Grid Technologies.) 

Such technologies are “cheaper [and] faster, and we can get somewhere between 20 and 100 GW more capacity on [an existing] system,” he said. 

Crane sees a twofold challenge for wide deployment of grid-enhancing technologies: a lack of easily identifiable incumbents in the sector and the need for creative financing. 

A decade ago, he said, “I’m looking at something like electric vehicle charging, and there are at least three big incumbent stakeholder groups” — oil companies, utilities and automakers,  

“But suddenly, [with] these things like reconductoring, virtual power plants in particular, it’s harder to see who are the natural incumbents that should want to lean into that space, and so it leaves an opening for the more entrepreneurial companies, and we need to support those companies,” he said. 

For creative financing, Crane called on the clean energy professionals at the conference to help develop the new approaches to investment that will be needed to get these technologies widely deployed. Upgrading transmission systems usually occurs within “an integrated utility system, so standalone financing of these things is an area for people in this room to pioneer. This is a business opportunity … and we need it.” 

“The key partner at the table in this is the financial community that can find ways to get these things done,” he said. 

New Jersey BPU Picks 8 Grid-scale Solar Projects Totaling 310 MW

The New Jersey Board of Public Utilities on April 17 approved eight projects with solar capacity totaling 310 MW in its second solicitation for grid-scale projects, nine months after declining to support any bids in the first solicitation due to cost. 

The board received 14 proposals in response to its solicitation for 300 MW through the state’s Competitive Solar Incentive (CSI) program. The capacity selected includes 92 MW of storage that was paired with two of the projects. Five of the eight projects are for “basic grid supply” while the other three will be on contaminated sites and landfills. The BPU did not approve any projects in the “grid supply on the built environment” category, which includes rooftops, or the category for net metered residential projects larger than 5 MW.  

Four of the approved projects have a capacity of more than 50 MW, and the remainder are between 2.7 and 13 MW. The largest, the 95-MW Harmony Plains Solar, will be in Harmony Township in Western New Jersey and cover 383 acres. 

BPU President Christine Guhl-Sadovy called the board’s decision “very exciting” in its ability to “bring solar through a competitive process, as well as this first energy storage project.” 

“It was terrific result,” said Fred DeSanti, executive director of the New Jersey Solar Energy Coalition. After the first solicitation failed in July, DeSanti expressed skepticism that developers would be able to submit low enough bids for the agency. “The number of projects, the size of the projects; [we’re] very happy.” 

He said he was especially surprised with the board’s decision to award more than the target combined capacity. 

“This is a very positive signal for the solar community in New Jersey,” he said. “It shows the state is still very dedicated to moving forward and in a big way.” 

Ed Potosnak, executive director of the New Jersey League of Conservation Voters, said the solicitation showed the state’s “ongoing commitment for a 100% clean energy future.” 

The CSI program is seen by officials as a key element in reaching the state’s solar capacity goals of 12.2 GW of solar energy by 2030 and 17.2 GW by 2035. Those are well above the nearly 4.8 GW installed in the state as of Feb. 29, of which 815 MW — or less than 2% — is grid-scale, according to BPU figures. 

The BPU designed the CSI program to set incentive levels for grid-supply projects — those selling into the wholesale markets — through market forces. Developers bid the lowest level of Solar Renewable Energy Certificates they would need to complete the project, and the BPU backs projects based on the highest bids. 

In declining to award bids in the first solicitation, BPU officials said they exceeded their agency’s confidential price caps. They suggested at the time that the pricey submissions were because of the high level of economic and regulatory uncertainty nationwide, as well as higher-than-historic costs, which all impacted the development of larger-scale solar. (See NJ Rejects Solar Bids as Too Expensive.) 

Lyle Rawlings, president of Mid-Atlantic Solar & Storage Industries Association, said the solicitation’s outcome is “good for the sector.” He said it is difficult to know whether developers submitted less expensive bids in the second solicitation or the BPU loosened its standards because the agency does not reveal what it considers acceptable. 

“There’s no data to tell us and no way to find out definitively whether they raised the cap, or whether the developers sharpened their pencils and lowered the prices,” he said. “If I were to guess I would say a little of both. I suspect that the BPU adopted a more reasonable price cap, and the development community noted that they all lost last time.” 

Wash. Cap-and-invest Supporters Launch Anti-repeal Effort

Bolstered by a nearly $5 million war chest, supporters of Washington’s cap-and-invest system have begun efforts to defeat a campaign that seeks to scrap the carbon allowance program through a referendum this fall. 

Conservative group Let’s Go Washington placed Initiative 2117 on the November ballot to call on voters to repeal the program, which the state’s Department of Ecology implemented last year as part of the Climate Commitment Act. The effort comes as Washington moves to link the program with the larger and well-established cap-and-trade program shared by California and Quebec. (See Calif., Quebec, Wash. to Explore Linking Carbon Markets.) 

Cap-and-invest supporters in February formed the No 2117 coalition, which has collected about $4.7 million and spent around $365,000, according to the Washington Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) 

Big donors include Microsoft founder Bill Gates and software developer Chris Stolte, who each contributed $1 million, as well as husband-and-wife software developers Craig McKibben and Sarah Merner, who together gave $1 million.  

In a press release April 17, the coalition said pending donations would increase the total to about $11 million, with pledges from Amazon, Microsoft and former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer and his wife, Connie Ballmer. 

“We’re going to make sure we have the resources needed to defeat 2117,” No 2117 spokesman Mark Prentice told NetZero Insider 

The membership of No 2117 is dominated by environmental and liberal political organizations, but also includes the Seattle Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, BP America and the Certified Electrical Workers of Washington union.  

During its signature-gathering phase last year, Let’s Go Washington raised $7.37 million and spent $7.66 million, according to the PDC. The group has raised $765,488 and has spent $464,970 so far this year, and has $256,873 in debts. 

Redmond hedge fund manager Brian Heywood provided roughly $5 million of the group’s 2023 donations to get I-2117 on November’s ballot.  

“I’m not putting any more money into it,” Heywood told NetZero Insider. That $5 million also contributed to placing two other Let’s Go Washington initiatives on the November ballots: one that would repeal the state’s fledging capital gains tax and another that would allow residents to opt out of a tax that funds a state program to provide for long-term health care. 

Cap-and-invest supporters “are going to have to raise $15 million to convince people of something that is not true. [The program] is not designed to remove climate change; it is designed to be a tax,” Heywood said. 

Both sides said they expect many small contributors to donate to their campaigns.  

“Other side is a bunch of big money. … They’re going to make me the villain. … This is the American Revolution army versus the well-financed British army,” Heywood said.  

‘Catastrophic Blow’

Meanwhile, the Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) — which represents four of Washington’s oil refineries, as well as others along the West Coast — plans to sit out the balloting. 

We do not oppose the [Climate Commitment Act] and believe the cap-and-trade program should be fixed rather than repealed. We are not involved in the campaign,” WSPA spokesman Kevin Slagle said in an email. 

Washington’s fifth oil refinery is owned by No 2117 coalition member BP America. 

Let’s Go Washington’s repeal campaign plans revolve around the rise in Washington’s gasoline prices, while No 2117’s efforts will stress the fallout for Washingtonians if the cap-and-invest program is revoked.  

We’re going to talk about the costs of what [cap-and-invest opponents] are imposing,” Prentice said.  

“I-2117 would deal a catastrophic blow to efforts to reduce carbon and health-harming air pollution, and it would have a devastating impact on our state budget,” David Mendoza, director public advocacy and engagement at The Nature Conservancy in Washington, said in No 2117’s April 18 news release. “I-2117 would take away billions of dollars for needed investments in renewable energy, clean air and water, healthy communities, healthy forests and economic support for those most impacted by the climate crisis. That’s why a broad coalition of organizations and community leaders from across our state has come together to mobilize communities in Washington to defeat I-2117.”  

Since being implemented last year, Washington’s cap-and-invest program has raised almost $2.1 billion. The state’s Legislature recently appropriated $816 million in cap-and-invest money to support programs during the fiscal year running from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025. 

That spending is split between the Legislature’s transportation and capital budgets. 

The transportation portion includes building hybrid electric-diesel ferries, buying electric school and transit buses, installing charging stations, bolstering Washington’s fledgling hydrogen industry, purchasing electric vehicles for several state and local agencies, and designing a hydrofoil for the Kitsap Transit system, plus several road, bridge and small boat projects.  

The capital budget portion includes grants or direct appropriations for energy conservation at the state’s universities, forest land purchases, restoring landscapes destroyed by wildfires, restoring coastlines, salmon recovery, sewage treatment and EV chargers. It also covers energy conservation measures at juvenile detention facilities, decarbonization projects, energy conservation in other buildings, and modernizing conservation measures in small school districts and tribal schools. 

NJ Creates Green Bank to Support Clean Energy Goals

The New Jersey Economic Development Authority on April 15 approved the establishment of a green bank to help the state reach its clean energy goals by investing private and public money in financial instruments supporting clean energy projects. 

The New Jersey Green Bank (NJGB) will make investments through “debt, credit enhancements and other financial vehicles,” the EDA said in a statement. It “will be dedicated to investing in projects, technologies and companies that align with the state’s climate goals, including in areas such as zero-emission transportation, building decarbonization and resiliency, and clean energy generation and storage.” 

“The NJGB will also look to facilitate the development of climate and clean energy capital markets in the state through forms of financial support, such as warehousing and securitization, that address underdeveloped or nonexistent capital markets for these investments,” the agency said. 

EDA CEO Tim Sullivan called the bank a “pivotal step in the state’s continued push to meet the ongoing challenges of climate change.” New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy (D) has set a goal for the state to reach 100% clean energy by 2035. 

“The NJGB will inject capital into New Jersey’s clean energy economy and support green businesses and good-paying jobs in the field,” Sullivan said. “Additionally, the investments made by the NJGB will pave the way for a cleaner and healthier environment for our residents and future generations.” 

Projects the bank supports will have to be new, rather than existing projects seeking refinancing, and must lead to reduced greenhouse gas emissions or other co-pollutants, according to the EDA. They could include solar power, onshore and offshore wind, all-electric heat pumps, geothermal and battery storage, the agency said. 

New Jersey follows several states that have created similar banks, among them Massachusetts, which created its Community Climate Bank in 2023. That bank started with $50 million in state funds and an initial focus on affordable housing, according to its website. Connecticut, Colorado and California also have green banks, according to the Coalition for Green Capital, which assists green banks in securing investments. The EDA’s proposal, issued last year, listed 28 other entities, mainly states, that have created green banks. 

New York’s Green Bank, a division of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority, says it has committed more than $2 billion to finance clean energy and sustainable infrastructure projects over its 10-year history. The typical investment is $10 million to $15 million, according to the agency, which says it has an annual investment target of $225 million. 

Murphy allocated $40 million to the Green Fund in his 2024 budget, released last year. The fund “could attract up to $280 million in private capital to advance projects to advance the state’s new and bold environmental goals,” the budget book said. The bank is a subawardee in an application by the Coalition of Green Capital for funding from EPA’s National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF). 

In addition, the green bank could receive at least $100 million from the NCIF, $202 million from the Coalition for Green Capital and $350 million from Ecority, a clean energy financing nonprofit, according to a memorandum on the Green Bank proposal by Sullivan. 

New Jersey has for several years sought to launch such a bank. The state Energy Master Plan, released in 2019, outlined the concept and benefits of such a bank, saying it would help address an existing financing gap in customer segments: “those who lack access to the capital necessary to fund energy efficiency projects on their own but earn too much to qualify for low-income incentive programs.” 

Industry Approves NERC’s Cyber Monitoring Standards

A proposed reliability standard to require utilities to implement internal network security monitoring (INSM) software on select grid cyber systems won industry approval this week, leaving a clear path for the ERO to submit the standard to FERC comfortably ahead of the commission’s deadline. 

The latest ballot period for CIP-015-1 (Cybersecurity — INSM) began April 11 and closed April 17, the same day as the formal comment period that began April 5. NERC’s Standards Committee authorized reducing comment and ballot periods for the project to as few as 10 days because FERC in 2023 ordered the ERO to submit standards requiring INSM by July 9 of this year. 

According to NERC’s ballot system, the standard received 175 votes for passage and 37 against. Applying the ERO’s weighting procedure (which proportionally reduces the impact of industry segments with fewer than 10 voters), the final result is a 76.78 weighted value in favor.  

The standard needed a two-thirds majority to pass. Now that the target has been reached, the normal move is to submit it for a five-day final ballot; a spokesperson for NERC told ERO Insider the team for Project 2023-03 (INSM) has not met to discuss the next step for the project.  

Under new rules approved by FERC in November, drafting teams may choose to conclude a standards action without a final ballot, but only if the previous ballot received approval from at least 85% of the registered ballot body, no further changes are proposed, and the team has made a good faith effort to resolve applicable objections and responded to industry comments in writing. (See FERC Approves NERC Standards Process Changes.) 

FERC ordered NERC to add INSM to its cybersecurity requirements in response to incidents like the SolarWinds hack of 2020, through which thousands of public- and private-sector organizations — including FERC itself — may have been infected with malicious code. (See FERC Orders Internal Cyber Monitoring in Response to SolarWinds Hack.) Commission staff said the SolarWinds attack demonstrated that an attacker “can bypass all perimeter-based security controls … and compromise” electronic networks believed to be secure. 

The standard this week would require registered entities to “implement one or more documented process(es) for [INSM] of networks … of high-impact [grid] cyber systems and medium-impact … systems with external routable connectivity [ERC].” 

Documented processes under the standard must include each of the following: 

    • network data feeds to monitor network activity, including connections, devices and network communications 
    • at least one method to detect anomalous network activity using the network data feeds 
    • at least one method to evaluate anomalous activity to determine what additional action is needed 

Entities would also have to implement documented processes to retain INSM data associated with anomalous network activity and to protect all data gathered or retained to prevent unauthorized deletion or modification. 

The limit of the standard’s applicability to medium-impact systems with ERC and all high-impact systems is in keeping with FERC’s original order. The commission also ordered NERC last year to examine the feasibility of implementing INSM in low-impact systems and medium-impact systems without ERC, but the ERO recommended against expanding the standard’s reach at this stage in a study submitted in January. (See NERC Recommends Phased Approach to INSM.) 

Wash. Council OKs Reduced Version of Horse Heaven Hills Project

Washington’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) on April 17 recommended approval for a slimmed-down version of a controversial wind project proposed for a site just south of the Tri-Cities in southeastern Washington.  

The EFSEC, a committee of representatives from several Washington state agencies, voted 5-2 to recommend that Gov. Jay Inslee approve the Horse Heaven Hills project. The governor now has 60 days to issue a final decision.  

Scout Clean Energy of Boulder, Colo., originally wanted to install up to 222 wind turbines that would be 500 feet tall, or up to 141 turbines that would go up to 657 feet along a 24-mile east-west stretch of the Horse Heaven Hills just south of Kennewick, Wash.  

However, EFSEC decided in February that two-mile buffer zones need to be implemented around 60 to 70 ferruginous hawk nests in that area. In 2021, the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission downgraded ferruginous hawks’ status from threatened to endangered. 

The buffer zone roughly halves the number of turbines in the project. A precise new number won’t be available until Scout maps out a revised siting plan for the turbines. The company said the changes trim nameplate capacity of the project from 1,150 MW to 236 MW. 

Scout’s original proposal also included two 500-MW solar farms on the east and west sides of the 24-mile stretch. EFSEC ordered that the eastern solar farm be removed because it is near sensitive Tribal cultural sites. 

The wind farm has drawn strong opposition from numerous Tri-Cities residents because the turbines would show up in a currently pristine view of the hills from the urban area and because they’re near the ferruginous hawk nests. A February decision by EFSEC removed turbines along the north slopes of the hills, which would also eliminate much of the Tri-Citians’ concern about their view. (See Washington Renewable Developer Rankled by Siting Board Alterations.) 

“By partially approving the Horse Heaven wind and solar project, EFSEC is balancing the need for renewable, clean energy with potential impacts on tribal cultural resources, wildlife and surrounding communities,” EFSEC Chair Kathleen Drew said at the group’s April 17 meeting. 

Northeast States Apply for Federal Money for 2 Tx Projects

The six New England states report they’ve submitted two applications for federal funding for transmission projects aimed at improving grid reliability and enabling interconnection of clean energy resources.  

The applications are for the second round of funding from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Grid Innovation Program, which offers up to $1.82 billion, capped at $1 billion for major individual transmission projects. 

The application for the “Clean Resilience Link” project was submitted in conjunction with New York state. The project, backed by National Grid, would upgrade a 230-kV line between New York and New England to 345 kV, “increasing transfer capacity between the two regions by up to 1,000 MW.” 

Analysis led by Energy and Environmental Economics (E3) and Hitachi Energy, and independently reviewed by the Brattle Group, found the project’s benefits would well exceed its costs.

“Even recognizing the large uncertainties, the ~$1.7b estimated system-wide benefits relative to the ~$600m net costs suggests that the project is highly favorable (with a ~$1b net benefit) from a systemwide perspective,” the Brattle Group wrote.  

The firm wrote that the project would address the need for increased transmission capacity between New England and New York, which has been documented in studies including the DOE National Transmission Needs Study and Massachusetts’ Energy Pathways to Deep Decarbonization report.  

The second project, titled “Power Up New England” is backed by developers including Eversource, National Grid and Elevate Renewables. The project is intended to upgrade and add points of interconnection in southern New England to unlock up to 4,800 MW of offshore wind and battery energy storage systems. 

“As we work to achieve our climate goals and increase the generation of renewable energy in the region, we need to invest in our transmission system and storage resources to deliver clean energy to our residents and businesses,” said Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources Commissioner Elizabeth Mahony in a press release. 

“This joint application to the Grid Innovation Program underscores the importance of continued collaboration with neighboring states and puts forth thoughtful proposals that will help strengthen and prepare our regional grid,” said Dan Burgess, director of the Maine Governor’s Energy Office. 

The states noted in an April 17 announcement that the applications contain “robust Community Benefits Plans” focused on “community engagement, workforce development, and diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility.” 

The projects were selected by the states through a joint solicitation of proposals in 2023, and the states submitted concept papers to DOE for the projects in January, with help from ISO-NE. 

The first found of Grid Innovation Program awards ranged from $1.7 million for a synchronous condenser conversion project in Hawaii to $464 million for a new interconnection collaboration in the central U.S. 

NY PSC Launches Grid of the Future Proceeding

New York has launched a process maximizing the use and effectiveness of flexible tools such as distributed energy resources and virtual power plants. 

The Public Service Commission on April 18 initiated the Grid of the Future proceeding (Case 24-E-0165) to control costs and maximize reliability amid the state’s clean energy transition. 

The order seeks to establish which capabilities will be needed, set targets for achieving those capabilities, identify the investments needed to reach those targets and identify the benefits that customers would realize when the targets are met. 

The Grid of the Future proceeding is the latest step in a process underway for over a decade, beginning with Reforming the Energy Vision (REV) in 2014 (Case 14-M-0101). 

PSC Chair Rory Christian said the process began before any current members joined the commission, and the challenges it was intended to address have come to pass. 

“They’re the type of challenges to be expected from any 100-plus-year-old system, built under a set of paradigms that are quickly being made obsolete through the progress of technology and evolving societal needs,” he said. “Challenges that are further amplified by severe weather events that are increasingly more severe.” 

The state’s landmark Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act of 2019 created a statutory requirement for 70% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% zero-emissions energy by 2040.  

The 70-by-30 goal seems increasingly out of reach amid slow regulatory processes and rising costs, but not for lack of effort — state regulators are simultaneously trying to change longstanding power generation and consumption patterns while ensuring the power grid can meet much higher demand with a much more intermittent generation portfolio. 

DERs and VPPs are expected to be an important part of a suite of dispatchable emissions-free resources to keep the lights on, and the Grid of the Future proceeding is designed to help move the state to a place where that is possible. 

Department of Public Service staff will convene at least one stakeholder conference to inform the process in the second half of this year.  

The order directs staff to conduct a Grid Flexibility Study on flexible resources’ status and potential by Nov. 15, 2024. 

The first iteration of the Grid of the Future Plan is due by Dec. 31, 2024; the second, a year later. 

The structure of the plan will evolve with stakeholder input, but initial required elements are: 

    • An inventory must be prepared of the resources expected to be needed, including how much of each is needed, how they will be obtained and what opportunities or barriers exist to securing them. 
    • Key elements of distributed system platforms must be identified; new or revised utility distributed system implementation plan requirements must be recommended. 
    • New or modified compensation plans for flexible resources must be considered, to encourage their best use by customers. 
    • Customer savings and benefits must be identified through better price signals on utility bills. 
    • The needs of market participants such as NYISO and utilities must be identified; the opportunity for changing roles and responsibilities for these participants also must be identified, along with improved interoperability among them. 
    • Changes in technology and information infrastructure must be accounted for. 
    • Rigid physical and cybersecurity protocols must be included. 
    • The plan must address variability and flexibility in the need for deployment and use. 
    • Allocation of costs and benefits among customers must be equitable.

ISO-NE Analysis Shows Benefits of Shifting OSW Interconnection Points

Relocating two offshore wind points of interconnection (POIs) from Maine to Massachusetts could substantially reduce New England’s transmission upgrade cost requirements in the coming decades, ISO-NE told its Planning Advisory Committee on April 18. 

Shifting the points of interconnection would decrease the need for north-to-south transmission upgrades, cutting the overall cost range for transmission upgrades to $19 billion to $22 billion by 2050 compared to the original $22 billion to $26 billion estimate from ISO-NE’s 2050 Transmission Study. (See ISO-NE Prices Transmission Upgrades Needed by 2050: up to $26B.) 

“Location of offshore wind POIs are important, and results can vary significantly based on these locational choices,” said Liam Durkin of ISO-NE. “The offshore wind POI screening analysis will be one important step towards refining assumptions around offshore wind POIs.”  

The analysis used the same methodology as the 2050 Transmission study, shifting just two of the POIs in the study. One of the key findings of the original study was the need for increased transmission capacity from northern New England to the Boston area.  

Moving the two POIs south would reduce flows along the Maine-New Hampshire interface and the North-South interface in the winter, while the shifts would minimally impact summer flows, ISO-NE found. 

The lack of summer effects stemmed partly from ISO-NE’s expectation that offshore wind output would decline significantly during the summer. 

The 2050 Transmission Study considered four pathways to meet the transmission needs: an AC road map, a DC road map, an offshore grid road map and a plan focused on minimizing the need for new lines by upgrading existing infrastructure.  

The POI analysis showed that shifting the two offshore wind interconnections would benefit all four pathways, saving the AC road map an estimated $2.2 billion, the DC road map an estimated $4 billion and the offshore grid road map an estimated $2.6 billion. 

While ISO-NE initially found it could not meet its expected 2050 peak load of 57 GW through the “minimization of new lines road map,” the RTO found the POI shifts would make this road map possible, with an estimated cost of $19.8 billion. 

Although this pathway relies the least on new lines, it still would include a few, as well as substantial line rebuilds.  

“Rebuilds alone cannot successfully serve a 57-GW winter peak load along the North-South and Boston Import interfaces,” Durkin said.  

ISO-NE projects a 57-GW winter peak but also emphasized the potential benefits of lowering the peak through demand-reduction efforts. The original analysis from the 2050 Transmission Study found that limiting the peak to 51 GW would reduce transmission costs by about $8 billion. 

The updated analysis also found benefits of the POI shift with a 51-GW winter peak; taking the interconnection changes into account, the lower peak reduced the overall cost estimate to $13 billion to $16 billion.  

Pathways Initiative Rejected for $800K in DOE Funding

The West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative has potentially lost a key source of financial backing after the U.S. Department of Energy rejected the group’s application for $800,000 in grants to support its initial operations. 

“The Pathways Initiative did not receive DOE funding in the last round,” Western Freedom Executive Director Kathleen Staks, co-chair of the initiative’s Launch Committee, told RTO Insider in an email April 17. “We plan to share more information and potential next steps during our [April 19] stakeholder call and [will be] happy to answer additional questions at that point.” 

The group applied for the money in January in response to a DOE Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA), seeking two tranches of $400,000 each to be disbursed over two years. The initiative was launched last July by energy officials from five Western states to develop the framework for an independent RTO that pointedly includes California and builds on CAISO’s Western Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM) and Extended Day-Ahead Market (EDAM). (See Regulators Propose New Independent Western RTO.) 

“This funding is necessary for major Pathways support functions — development of informational materials; outreach to key stakeholders; regular convenings through virtual and in-person gatherings; and facilitation to ensure meaningful participation by those who wish to engage,” the group said in a concept paper included in the grant application. (See Western RTO Group Seeking $800K in DOE Funding.) 

The funding would be “essential to performing outreach to states and groups not yet aware of, or able to participate in, the new nonprofit independent governance entity envisioned by” the initiative’s backers and make it more accessible to a larger set of stakeholders, the paper said. 

Speaking at the Launch Committee’s last monthly update March 15, Jim Shetler, co-chair of the committee’s Priority Administrative Work Group, expressed confidence that Pathways would win the DOE funding. (See Pathways Initiative Discloses Funders, Reiterates Goals.) 

Shetler, general manager of the Balancing Authority of Northern California, said the federal money would likely arrive in June or July, possibly leaving a funding gap in late spring that would likely be covered by the group’s original budget of $570,000 needed to fund Phase 1 of the effort through the end of April. 

It’s now unclear how Phase 2 will be funded. During the March update, Shetler said the initiative had raised about $430,000 from 24 stakeholder donors to cover the initial budget, with more pledges on the way. 

As of April 17, a “pledge summary” spreadsheet maintained by the group showed the list of donors had expanded to 32. It now includes the Interwest Energy Alliance, Western Resource Advocates, Primergy Solar, Solariant Capital, Pattern Energy, Brookfield Renewable Partners, Engie North America and one “individual contributor.” But the spreadsheet shows only pledge ranges, not donors’ specific contributions. 

The denial of federal funding comes just a week after the initiative released its straw proposal for tackling a “stepwise” transition of CAISO’s WEIM and EDAM to independent governance and could represent a setback for the EDAM in its competition for participants with SPP’s Markets+. (See Western RTO Group Floats Independence Plan for EDAM, WEIM.) 

SPP officials, meeting in Denver, declined to comment on the development. 

CAISO spokesperson Anne Gonzales said the ISO would defer comment to the Launch Committee. 

Tom Kleckner contributed to this article from Denver.