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CAISO/WEIMCAISO Board of GovernorsCalifornia Agencies & LegislatureCalifornia Air Resources Board (CARB)California Energy Commission (CEC)California LegislatureCalifornia Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)EDAMOther CAISO CommitteesWestern Energy Imbalance Market (WEIM)WEIM Governing BodyCompany NewsERCOTERCOT Board of DirectorsERCOT Other CommitteesERCOT Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT)FERC & FederalISO-NEISO-NE Consumer Liaison GroupISO-NE Planning Advisory CommitteeNEPOOL Markets CommitteeNEPOOL Participants CommitteeNEPOOL Reliability CommitteeNEPOOL Transmission CommitteeMarketsAncillary ServicesCapacity MarketEnergy MarketReservesVirtual TransactionsMISOMISO Advisory Committee (AC)MISO Board of DirectorsMISO Market Subcommittee (MSC)MISO Planning Advisory Committee (PAC)MISO Regulatory Organizations & CommitteesOrganization of MISO States (OMS)MISO Reliability Subcommittee (RSC)MISO Resource Adequacy Subcommittee (RASC)NYISONY PSCNYISO Business Issues CommitteeNYISO Management CommitteeNYISO Operating CommitteeOther NYISO CommitteesPJMPJM Board of ManagersPJM Market Implementation Committee (MIC)PJM Markets and Reliability Committee (MRC)PJM Members Committee (MC)PJM Operating Committee (OC)PJM Other Committees & TaskforcesPJM Planning Committee (PC)PJM Transmission Expansion Advisory Committee (TEAC)Public PolicyEnvironmental RegulationsReliabilityState & RegionalAlabamaAlaskaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaColoradoConnecticutDelawareDistrict of ColumbiaFloridaGeorgiaHawaiiIdahoIllinoisIndianaIowaKansasKentuckyLouisianaMaineManitobaMarylandMassachusettsMichiganMinnesotaMississippiMissouriMontanaNebraskaNevadaNew HampshireNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkNorth CarolinaNorth DakotaOhioOklahomaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandRTO-IndianaSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTennesseeTexasUtahVermontVirginiaWashingtonWest VirginiaWisconsinWyomingResourcesDemand ResponseDistributed Energy Resources (DER)Energy EfficiencyEnergy StorageBattery Electric StorageOther Electric StorageGenerationCoalGeothermalHydrogenHydropowerNatural GasNuclear PowerOffshore WindOnshore WindOperating ReservesRooftop/distributed SolarUtility-scale SolarResource AdequacySpecial Reports & CommentaryCommentaryConference CoverageOther CoverageSpecial ReportsSPPMarkets+Other SPP CommitteesSPP Board of Directors & Members CommitteeSPP Markets and Operations Policy CommitteeSPP Regional State CommitteeSPP Seams Advisory GroupSPP Strategic Planning CommitteeWestern Energy Imbalance Service (WEIS)SPP/WEISTransmissionFinancial Transmission Rights (FTR)Transmission OperationsTransmission PlanningTransmission Rates
NYISO presented the Installed Capacity Working Group with two proposals it plans to file with FERC to give itself the means to collect duties in case President Donald Trump’s tariff on Canadian energy imports applies to electricity.
The MISO South region relied on transfers from the Midwest to handle a record, 33-GW winter peak during a late January winter storm.
ERCOT’s Board of Directors has approved staff’s recommendation to pursue the use of 15 mobile generators as an alternative to extending the life of two aging gas units slated for retirement in South Texas.
BPA will be on the hook for nearly $27 million in funding for the next phase of SPP’s Markets+ — and potentially more depending on the market’s final footprint, according to a document SPP filed with FERC.
Marissa Gillett, the top regulator at the Connecticut PURA, is poised to be reappointed amid utility lawsuits and outcry about the state’s regulatory environment.
Public Service Company of Colorado asked the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for permission to join SPP’s Markets+.
Public Service Enterprise Group saw an “over-12-fold” increase in mature leads and inquiries from customers exploring “large load and data center projects” over the past year, CEO Ralph LaRossa said in the utility’s fourth-quarter earnings call.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration projects 2025 additions of 32.5 GW of solar, 18.2 GW of storage, 7.7 GW of wind, 4.4 GW of gas and 0.2 GW of all other forms of generation.
PJM stakeholders voted for a third consecutive meeting to delay acting on revisions to Manual 14H intended to clarify when developers may add or remove parcels from their project footprint.
A report released in February by Aurora Energy Research has found that President Donald Trump’s executive orders have put 43 GW of East Coast offshore wind projects at risk of permitting delay.
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