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Participants at the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners’ Winter Policy Summit emphasized the need for additional investment in the grid.
ERCOT stakeholders have begun discussions on a pair of protocol revision requests related to the grid operator’s real-time co-optimization and battery project, set to go live in December.
MISO expects the revamp of its transmission planning futures will be done by November and will yield an extra scenario dedicated to slow-moving generation construction.
ISO-NE revised its compliance proposal for FERC Order 904 to allow generators to be compensated for reactive power outside the standard power factor range.
The federal government has put on hold nearly $1 million in funding toward the development of a new independent Western RO to oversee CAISO’s WEIM and EDAM, the West-Wide Governance Pathways Initiative’s Launch Committee said.
The end of Chevron deference has FERC's legal team looking for a case to determine how much authority courts will provide the agency, especially around interpreting the contracts and tariffs that fall under its jurisdiction.
Presenting to the ISO-NE Planning Advisory Committee, Eversource Energy introduced a new set of asset-condition projects that could cost the region billions over multiple decades.
The PJM Board of Managers approved a $6 billion package of grid upgrades that includes expanding the 765-kV backbone east to meet rising demand, particularly in Northern Virginia’s Data Center Alley.
MISO said it doesn’t think it needs to step up cost monitoring on its ever-larger transmission projects as some stakeholders call for tighter measures.
One of the major topics at NARUC's Winter Policy Summit was demand growth driven by data centers, which brings plenty of uncertainty with it.
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